New Profile Posts

  1. The Moog
    The Moog
    "Okay, listen up you clowns. I'm just kidding, you guys look great." - Noho Hank
    1. SpectralNight likes this.
  2. Headhunter
    The assasin has failed. Crazy year for sure!
  3. Headhunter
    "Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin!" Biden to Zelensky
    1. roy_2002 likes this.
  4. The Moog
    The Moog
    "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold." - Din Djarin
  5. coma21
    1. Anti Social Andy
      Anti Social Andy
      It's the only way to fly! :D
      Jul 10, 2024
      SpectralNight likes this.
    2. eckotyper
      it's been 105+ for a while now here... i'm sweating in my no no's
      Jul 16, 2024
      coma21 likes this.
  6. Geobukgan
    Probably regret selling 90% of the time.
  7. Anti Social Andy
  8. The Moog
    The Moog
    "All we are, is dust in the wind dude." - Ted Theodore Logan
    1. MonstaIslandCzar likes this.
  9. Geobukgan
    Why do parents want their kids to buy them gifts? What's the novelty here?
  10. liquidsky
    What a clusterfuck Some folks need to get offline and get out more
    1. Anti Social Andy
      Anti Social Andy
      You're in luck! I have a wedding to go to this afternoon! :D
      Jun 29, 2024
  11. Roger
    Battlebellies can grow into an army...
  12. The Moog
    The Moog
    Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill.
  13. Geobukgan
    These days when I look at my daughter i wish I could go back a decade or two and just give myself a hug.
    1. Spaceman Yells likes this.
  14. Roger
    Thing At That Time.
    1. JoeMan and Geobukgan like this.
    2. JoeMan
      Ain’t no thang’ but a chicken wang’ At that time
      Jun 25, 2024
      Roger likes this.
    3. Roger
      Buffalo Wild Wing At That Time.
      Jun 25, 2024
      JoeMan likes this.
  15. The Moog
    The Moog
    i've been through the desert on a horse with no name, it felt good to be out of the rain
    1. Nofunction likes this.
  16. Rich
    Rich jl
    Are you taking offers on the giant ultra man ? Or are you firm ?
  17. The Moog
    The Moog
    Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal VS Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
  18. trueadrn
    Feeew, almost forgot my password 8)
  19. Roger
    Meet me by the loading dock.
  20. Geobukgan
  21. toothaction
    "What right has my head to call itself me?"
  22. Geobukgan
    Sometimes I see a dolly that I want online and I can just smell it.
    1. Urk likes this.
  23. The Moog
    The Moog
    The sole Yokozuna and four Ozeki fell on the opening day of the Natsu Basho. The 15 days are sold-out. Exciting times for Sumo!
  24. toothaction
    "Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it."
    1. Roger likes this.
    2. Roger
      I found out that this is a quote from renowned bomber pilot Major T. J. "King" Kong.
      May 24, 2024
      toothaction likes this.
  25. JoeMan
    Is there still a resin bootleg scene?
    1. xSuicide Squadx likes this.
    2. xSuicide Squadx
      xSuicide Squadx
      There will be if you start one up. ;)
      May 10, 2024
    3. Roger
      Yes, most of "the scene" centers around events held by Clutter and DKE Toys.
      May 13, 2024