Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Dec 22, 2006
    Long Beach Rock City
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    This statement is ridiculous! This is the same bullshit when rape victims are blamed for the rape because of what they were wearing. As to police thugs parading down residential streets in America, also bullshit. Looks to me like a modern day, American answer to the Sturmabteilung. Cops and authorities are not de-escalating this situation at all. Especially when you come out donning military garb, automatic weapons and other weaponry. All of this is a violent aesthetic and it's the violence people are protesting against. You don't go doubling down on being both ethically and morally impaired. Permits to march peacefully and express your First Amendment right is bullshit and it's a end run by local governments to say who can and can not assemble peacefully or otherwise. Curfews should also and always be questioned. Especially since they tend to frequently see authorities racially profile when enacted.
  2. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Dec 31, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Never defended the cops actions in either situation. Knowing how the police are reacting to the slightest provocation, why put your child in harms way, or give them any reason to use said automatic weapons.

    Now can you explain to me how the I’m, “being both ethically and morally impaired”?
    marswillrule likes this.
  3. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Dec 22, 2006
    Long Beach Rock City
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    You have clearly missed my point Ed and I think you should probably re-read it again. I wasn't calling you ethically or morally impaired. If I were, I would have been specific and referred to you by name. I was however referring to the police and authorities as being such.

    Parents are bringing their children to these marches because they are important, pivotal moments that teach our children about values, human morals, ethics... important developmental milestones. Sure, values can cause conflict, but the alternative is worse. Most of the protests have gone on without incident.

    Lastly, I disagree. You didn't outright say "I defend the cops in these two situations," but by default you are saying so.

    Look, I'm not trying to anger you or make you feel bad. I just think your statement is a little insensitive or at the very least ill-informed.
  4. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I'm not a parent, but this seems like a no-brainer. A number of these current anti-violence protests have turned violent. A child doesn't belong in a place where there is an increased chance of violence.

    Also, there's a pandemic going on. We're learning that children are at a higher risk for complications from COVID-19 infections.

    Achieving developmental milestones are a nice thing, but bringing a defenseless person along to one of these rallies increases their risk of illness, injury, and/or death. Show them the rally on TV, or if it's that important for someone to have their kids experience a rally in person, they can be brought to a peaceful demonstration some day when the world gets back to "normal."

    Children can't give consent.
  5. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Oct 31, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Waiting for someone to die from one of these challenges lmao
  6. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Dec 31, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread

    I agree with showing/teaching your child something, and yes for the most part these protests have been peaceful, despite what the media wants to focus on, but like @Roger and I both said, you never know.

    That’s just it, I never defended the cops actions, in the least bit, if I wanted to defend the cops, I would have made that statement very clear. I say what I mean.

    I’m not mad or angered by what you said. We are both grown men who collect vinyl dollies. You saying my statement is insensitive is your opinion, but saying it’s ill-informed seems odd considering it’s based on what I see in the videos.

    again not mad, we live in a place where we can have different opinions/feelings about something and it’s perfectly fine. We just see shit from different angles.
    666doll likes this.
  7. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Dec 31, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    This is the type of shit that makes situations worse. Fucking idiots.
  8. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Sep 5, 2012
    Louisville, KY
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    The most important question should be "why is this little girl endangered by the police?" not "why is she in a dangerous situation?"
    Nate, Kerk1, xSuicide Squadx and 4 others like this.
  9. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Dec 22, 2006
    Long Beach Rock City
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    A) Any protest can turn violent. This is not a reason not to attend and it's not a reason not to bring your kid. Again, values can be met with opposition. They tend to, or there would be no need for protests...

    B) Police violence and brutality has been and continues to be a pandemic longer than Covid19. Waiting for a safe(r) time speak up is ludicrous.

    C) Not true. Children are NOT at higher risk. Matter of fact they are lower risk. However, there is a small percentage of sever illness(es) associated with Covid in some children. Feel free to check the CDC website on this.

    D) I don't even know how to respond to your other point except I find it ridiculous. Most marchers have been wearing masks. Most of the protests have been peaceful. The news reports have been more sensationalizing, not being focused on the real narrative here.

    E) The problem (again) with waiting for the world to get back to normal is that most of us don't want it getting back to that "normal." I guess we should wait until "maybe" Trump loses the election so that "maybe" we'll have an adult in the room to make decisions that aren't fucking us and the rest of the world. Then, "maybe" we'll have a vaccine that will treat us and we won't have to worry about Covid. Then, if we're lucky "maybe" another racist cop can murder another African American so we can safely assemble because it will be safer... for our children. Maybe. To be fair, I know you're referring to Covid Roger. But the responsibility to stand up against injustice is not always going to pop up at a convenient time.

    Actually, kids can give consent Roger. But I get what you're trying to say.

    No doubt, it is our responsibility as parents to protect our kids. But I'm not about to store mine in bubble wrap and lock her in her room until she's "legally" allowed to be on her own. Maybe my kid is a anomaly. She was appalled and sickened by the recent murder and was willing to ignore her paranoia of catching Covid19 to protest. But she's been attending various protests since she was 11 years old. All at her request btw.

    The bottom line is there is no good time or safe time to march against inequities in our society. It is never convenient. It is never perfect and it is never easy. If not now, when? You said it, you don't have kids. So you don't understand the difficulties, or the greatest of joys and happiness in having them. Taking them to a peaceful rally against systemic abuses against specific persons is not only a no-brainer, but it is statistically safer than letting them swim in a pool or drive with you in the car to the grocery store. Both of which she's done and I didn't have to get her consent.
    bunnyboy likes this.
  10. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  11. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Feb 20, 2015
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    So a slight fuck you to artist that get butt hurt when you tell them a lottery priced toy is way outta your wheel house and they literally take the time to delete your comment cause for some reason its offensive even though you compliment the toy as well. Are ppl really this thin skinned? Or do they just not want to hear that most normal ppl cant afford a 700$ toy every fucking couple of months one pops up? Lol
  12. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Really, that is sort of surprising. I mean, full power to the artists that use this 'toy selling model' as the go-to, but I think it is pretty standard to assume, no matter how many prayer hands, 'NEEDS', and whatever you get on some IG post, it is never going to be the norm for most people. Hell, the average person wouldn't understand spending more than five bucks on most of these things; dropping those big figures is forever going to be an extreme, available to a minority of individuals with disposable income. And as I said, that's totally fine. Those few people are more than enough to ensure a sell out for all these small 'artist' runs, and really price is almost no difference once it gets to that level. I can't get either how someone could be somehow offended - if that is what it was - by saying "nice toy, but outta my price range." The same holds for any free-market goods, houses, cars, whatever. You can admire plenty without being ever even being within consideration of affording those things. Might have just been a misunderstanding though. But yeah, the more this new market develops in the soft vinyl world, the greater the disparity from the normal, accessible hobby which birthed all the popularity in the first place.
    Urk, Bob and Headhunter like this.
  13. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Feb 20, 2015
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    And that's all it was, was a slight bit of realism from my end and a polite compliment afterwards. No bullshit whining or being an asshole. I had do check my Instagram 3 time to make sure I wasn't imagine me posting something that got magically removed lol.

    And as a quick update it seemed to now decide to post on Instagram about almost 10 minutes after I posted it. We cool but I still think that would be shitty if an artist actually did that. Fucking Instagram *shakes angry fist*
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
    ultrakaiju and Bob like this.
  14. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Ah so it just boiled down to technical issues at the end of the day anyways. No harm, no foul. We all could do with a heavy dose of patience and understanding these days, now more than even it seems.

    Headhunter likes this.
  15. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    hellointerloper likes this.
  16. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    May 31, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
  17. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Who doesn’t love a good pin!
  18. Madmax405

    Madmax405 Addicted

    Feb 10, 2018
    Fort Lee NJ/NYC
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Pretty sure I found your comment and I think it was respectful and like you said it was a technical issue on IG, so no harm no foul. I could give you my opinions on whether or not I think the price of the toy is fair and why. Although, at the end, I think it's on the artist to find a price that works for both them and their collectors.

    I think if the topic is addressed in a rude manner (not the case here,) it wouldn't be far fetched for someone to delete the comment. Deleting the comment can be a more subdued reaction than actually responding to the comment, which can cause a snowball. Maybe they want the overall vibe of the post to remain positive. It is someone's art and passion, and the perception of that art is a subjective experience.
    Headhunter likes this.
  19. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Mar 20, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck you to the enmeshed Disclosure and QAnon movements, and the weird asshole grifters leading them. Shit, I remember when entertaining conspiracy theories was fun... now it's just a supplement-shilling doomsday religion. And as it relates to the moment, could not have said it better myself:

  20. skaldavsatanssol

    skaldavsatanssol Toy Prince

    Oct 31, 2016
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck anyone who complains about a free gift they essentially asked to receive. Fuck them even further if you try to work out ways to appease them and they go silent on you. The older I get the more evidence I gain supporting the fact that everyone (even friends) are just out for themselves so they can happily take a shit on me at their convenience and ignore the results by fucking off to their own world when it suits them. To toot my own horn I’m too damn caring about everyone else so to everyone else: a big FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. I hate you and the rest of the human race.
  21. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Ouch. Well I will just say that not all of humankind is terrible. While the past couple weeks have certainly suggested some areas where that it true, the response to it has also show the opposite. Especially even here within our little humble community, seeing the fundraising that has gone on, working to support, inform, and help out for worthy causes, is a good sign that there's some good folks out there.
  22. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Jun 16, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck you to all the PR emails & ad campaigns from corporations professing their support of BLM like it is something new.
  23. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    spatula007 likes this.
  24. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck you to the 500 or so 'young people' who attended the rave last Saturday in Stokes Croft, Bristol (UK). What I actually mean by 'young people' is 'selfish numbskull twats'.

    Not only did they ignore social distancing completely but they kept awake NHS staff who lived nearby from getting any sleep before their next shift. Like those NHS staff haven't got enough to deal with at the moment.

    Fucking morons - the same goes for the people crowding Queen's square on the same day, like the virus has magically disappeared or something.

    All these selfish arseholes should have their NHS privilege taken away, and next time they're sick or have an accident they should be made to go private and bankrupt themselves.
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  25. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck this virus and the people who keep spreading it. Wear your fucking mask. Social distance. Gloves in some cases.
    It’s SO SIMPLE.

    A friend is holding a small party soon and I can’t go to that. My boyfriend still desperately wants to see me, and I can’t do that either.
    We COULD have been almost rid of this virus here in Connecticut if everyone just did as they were told, and didn’t pretend that the virus was gone when the numbers fell.
    Just sucks. Having depression and not being around friends/classmates/strangers is damaging. Usually depression leads me to isolation, but now isolation is leading me to depression. Just can’t ever win.
    Anti Social Andy and ultrakaiju like this.
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