6 Years Later!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by melek_taus, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    I ran across the guy that ripped me off!

    Back when I was collecting western vinyl, I paid a guy who went by PinkertonFX, a good chunk of change for 3 of his Zombie Hamsters. (I know, I know) :lol: Anyway, dude strung me along with tales of huge workloads and emergencies. Eventually disappeared and stopped returning emails. I gave up after about a year of on - and off detective work trying to find him. All I learned was that I wasn't the only one he scammed. Chalked it up as an unlucky experience and still the only time I have been ripped off.
    I ran across this guy on IG- now going by Pinkerton_Design. Sure enough, it's the same guy. I called him out on his latest pic. Gonna see how it pans out.
    I know it's a long shot- being that this isn't the place for that style toy- but anyone else get ripped by this guy? His disappearing act affected others, I know. Just thought I'd put it out there.
  2. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    It's good that you found him, but he's likely to just delete the comment and block you. Hope there's some type of recourse you can take to I FART A LOT slap this dude. Getting ripped off sucks.
  3. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    I pretty much figured that was exactly what would happen. But, he actually answered to say that he'd make good on the deal. We'll see what happens. I am very skeptical...
  4. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Wow! Awesome so far! Let's see what he does. Fingers crossed for you, dude.
  5. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Ryan, he was mainly a resin garage kit producer, besides doing fully finished pieces like the fur-and-resin hamsters; he had a short run of producing some good works (he's a talented sculptor) and conducting his business well... followed by some kind of meltdown that led to exactly the type of behavior you're citing here, towards many of his buyers in the GK community. If you searched http://theclubhouse1.net/phpBB3/index.php for Pinkerton FX, I'm betting you would find some interesting threads.
  6. TiredChildren

    TiredChildren Administrator Staff Member

    Bet you can't wait to finally get those figures from him! :lol:
  7. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Thanks for the very helpful information! He is a talented sculptor. I hope he is past whatever issues caused the meltdown. Looks like he is back to producing stuff, so hopefully people thinking of buying his new stuff can count on receiving their items.
    Interestingly enough, I am not opposed to having a couple weird/creepy Zombie Hamsters chillin' on a shelf. As stated, he is talented.
    I am corresponding with him now via email, so we'll see how it goes. I will post updates here for anyone interested.
  8. kopponigen

    kopponigen Post Pimp

    At least he answered, which is the opposite of what you (or anyone) expected. Let's hope he makes right, some people do take advantage of second chances.
  9. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    Maybe he was too stupid to press delete?
    "Thou shalt not steal"

    Wow 6 years later. Same username. No shame in his game.

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