Arbito figures

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by arbito, May 20, 2009.

  1. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Gorgeous work, and I never thought the Mario was so big.
  2. jeremyriad

    jeremyriad Toy Prince

  3. Viera

    Viera Fresh Meat

    I wish I could have been at the show to see those money banks in person! I ended up with these two, and coincidentally Jesse put them side by side. I guess it was meant to be.

    Thanks for the pic zincsaucier442
  4. B.76

    B.76 Addicted

  5. jeremyriad

    jeremyriad Toy Prince

  6. gazpacho

    gazpacho Comment King

    sounds interesting. i'll have to wait and see what the final sculpt looks like, but i'm sure it'll be nothing but class knowing what arbie puts out..

    i found it somewhat funny that alex basically said that resin begins and ends with le merde.. i know it was tounge in cheek, but to me, arbito's resins are smoother, cleaner, and often more vibrant.. not a hit at mike in any way,,, i love his work as well, but for very different reasons which tend to lie more along the lines of character development and the dynamics of his pieces..
  7. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    I meant it as a joke as Arbito has been doing resin for quite a long time. Some of it was a comment on how I feel Mike really busted open resin as a true DIY toy medium.
  8. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I think Itokin probably made the crazyist resin figures and they were out before Mike's. There is no doubt Mike opened up the market for resin and people like Arbito and Monster Hero have thrived in it. I love resin stuff so I hope the resin collector base continues to grow.

    I do find it interesting almost all the resin artists use pseudonyms: I wonder why that is?
  9. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    A symbol is harder to find flaws with than a person.

    Long live Le Merde.
  10. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Great video coverage. Alex with his Tokyo Tower mic is always a riot. My fav piece was this one

    (pic from Toybotstudios)

    I wonder what the original bank was called. The paint work on this one is magic. Someone who attended please PM on how much it went for. I prolly can't afford it but I'm very curious :mrgreen:
  11. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    it's still available on S7 ... oogie.html
  12. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Duh right? think rob, think, lol Thanks Connell :oops: Soo cool and the price is right.
  13. Ghost&Flower

    Ghost&Flower Line of Credit

    that bank is my favorite piece from the show. and from the video posted before it looks huge!
  14. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I am buying that bank on Monday if it is still for sale. It is one of the coolest items to come through our doors in a long time.
  15. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    If I had the money that bank would have been gone by the time it hit online. Arbitos color choices are some of the best, period.

    Damn I want this bank, I hope he does more.
  16. dedoperucelli

    dedoperucelli Addicted

    beautiful figures!
    the Indian reminds me of an 70 'years Italian television spot of "girella" chocolate cake.
  17. B.76

    B.76 Addicted

    New 1/1 for Wondercon has been posted on Arbito's Flickr


    Love the green resin/painted on the head of the 1st Seeker!
  18. dustin

    dustin Addicted

  19. uh oh

    uh oh Addicted

    Itokin Park is what motivated me to start in resin.
    Arbito and MonstreHero are the ones that make me second guess continuing.
  20. jeremyriad

    jeremyriad Toy Prince

    I'm interested in what you mean by this.
  21. B.76

    B.76 Addicted


    MILTRON Toy Prince

    Love your sculpts! they are so smooth and clean. and i love your characters too!!!!! got to check out a couple at the TC show, and was in toy heaven!!!!!!!
  23. B.76

    B.76 Addicted

    Some customs are up on his online shop...
  24. EBIII

    EBIII Addicted

  25. evom

    evom Mini Boss

    Damn they look good! wish i had money for that purple one

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