Baron Davis was at in my sister's work!...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by rhinomilk, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. soda pop SMASH

    soda pop SMASH Addicted

    couldn't give a toss about denver or any other denver related teams, but iverson is my favourite player so i gotta show the support. and they probably will get knocked out in the first round, LA or NO awaits.
  2. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    Sad for the warriors. I really like the way they play. It would have been fun to see them and whoever ends up #1 in the west in a 7 game series.

    I dont particularly like the nuggets. I just can't understand why they arent a better team with all the talent they have.

    They certainly arnt doing themselves any favors, with Melo getting a DUI. He'll probably have to ride the pine for a game or two to keep Stern at bay.
  3. soda pop SMASH

    soda pop SMASH Addicted

    this isn't the first time he's been in trouble for something auto-related is it? I recall something i think last season... or maybe that was jr smith. yeah to be honest I don't really understand how inconsistent they are. Could blame injuries but EVERY team has injuries of some significance. It seems they just take games off, both melo and AI are guilty of that

    i still think nugs v the lake show or NO will be fun to watch (not that i'll get to see any games) but i'd say 1 will take it in 5 or 6
  4. legoomba

    legoomba Toy Prince

    As good as every team in the west is, all 4 series should be great.

    It still amazes me, that if Denver wins their last game, all 8 teams in the west will have at least 50 wins...and only 3 teams in the east will have 50.

    I think the playoffs are going to be really good this year. Last year had some good series ( Dal. Vs. GS, Phx vs. SA), but every west matchup is going to be awesome.

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