Bin Laden.....DEAD!!!!!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by living dead, May 1, 2011.

  1. living dead

    living dead Prototype

  2. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    Wouldn't matter one way or another. We will still destroy ourselves from the inside by poring our money into oil and the military instead of infrastructure, education, and the environment.
  3. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Him AND "Usama Bin Landen" have been "confrimed" dead it seems.
  4. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    I think they are related.
  5. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    Hearing this on the news now. US has Bin Laden's body. Confirmed kill. Great news.

    Too bad we have all these other new wars now. :?
  6. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I think Fox News needs (among other things) someone who knows how to spell "Bin Laden" and "confirms" :lol:
  7. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

  8. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    Hmmm. But how do you stop a twelve years old from blowing himself up and bringing a few with him?
  9. PaulieVinyl

    PaulieVinyl Post Pimp

    Oh. Hooray, then?

    Well, I guess this means we'll stop funneling money into at least one war.


    I guess we can begin bringing Americans home from over-seas now.


    I hope maybe we can talk about doing something about that pesky Patriot Act now that the boogie man is gone.


    Maybe I'm just a cynical jerk. I just fail to see how this matters at this point.

    I bet the real 'muricans just hate the fact that he was killed with Obama in the White House. Sorry republicans, this could spell four more years of the scary half-black guy from Hawaii! I mean er... Kenya...

    Cynicism aside, I'm glad he's finally dead... assuming he wasn't already. Fuck him. :)
  10. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    I would be curious to know how the Patriot Act had directly effected you?

    So, we should have just allowed him to carry on with living semi-free without doing anything about it? Dead or alive, would have been fine with me, but dead is good!
  11. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Just want to say thanks to Mark and all the other US forces out there serving abroad and putting their lives on the line.
  12. AladdinSane

    AladdinSane Addicted

    I'll assume you don't live in NYC.
  13. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    might be trying to avoid this mistake
  14. marswillrule

    marswillrule Line of Credit

  15. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    True dat.
  16. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    I wonder if the people on the streets know that Osama is more the figure head of Asshole-Qaeda. And the actual running and ops is actually his right hand man.

    Of course with his death, the global cells and associates like the fucking Jemaah Islamiah here in South East Asia will be dealt a critical blow. But in terms of being dangerous and lethal, I don't think there's any slowing down. In fact, security should be heighten. Places like Yemen, Somalia, Indonesia- extremely dangerous right now.

    Here in Singapore we've been on constant high alert, even having public announcement on trains and all to get people to be vigilant and watchful. Hell, we've had Gurkhas stationed at the American Club for ages which we stood down recently, now better send them back.

    And why is the DOW up and dollar up against the yen because of his death??? Tells you the average guy out there is totally whacked!
  17. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

  18. sancx33

    sancx33 Addicted

    Indonesia- extremely dangerous right now :D
    Now I'm getting worried, hopes nothing happen with the death of Osama.
  19. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    :lol: Not exactly where you're at. But in Jakarta, they're very cautious now.
  20. sancx33

    sancx33 Addicted

    Yes but I think everyone in Indonesia now need to be cautious now.....
    But no any rumor or any sort of movement regarding the death of Osama.
    Maybe because people here just realize the news but our police have capture many terrorist lately. Some local leader are dead or captured.
  21. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss


    This is stupid.
  22. Martoy Black

    Martoy Black Addicted

    /\That really is f*****g stupid.

    Being from the very safe Netherlands I can only wish nothing bad comes out of this in the rest of the world. Best of luck to you all living in those places that might not be as safe as mine.
  23. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I find very little difference between ideological islamic extremists and flag waving, god fearing, gun toting ignorant idiots that pursue them. Both believe in imaginary friends in the sky which they think justifies what they are doing and both are sick IMO. I was 15 blocks from 911 when it happened and I still think those buildings had a little help coming down (and not by the planes). All this stuff is a distraction while the real crimes (and raping) of the world go on behind closed doors.
  24. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    id like to see a pic though, just to be sure. or even some dna proof.

    yep. it will all come out in the wash, when each of them meet their end. (and head toward those friends in the sky..)

    i can only imagine the horrors that await the people that did this to our country.

  25. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I just heard on the news that they are burying his body at sea in accordance with his faith and having to be buried within 24 hours. How convenient. So we have no real proof. So we have to take the news at their word? Aren't they spoon fed things from the government and have been for what the last 20 years at least? I notice the Osama boogie man is usually brought out every time we want to cover our own fucked up shit and rally. Government shutdown anyone? For all we know Osama is some random made up person, who could have been dead for years.

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