Black Metal

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Chad Hensley, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    I finally got around to seeing Until the light takes us. It was pretty cool. I was bothered by how Varg shows no remorse at all for the murder. I mean, I love the guy's music but I have to kinda seperate the art from the artist and the bad past with Burzum. Varg can be a too extreme at times. Yet, at times in the movie he is funny, light-hearted, and well-spoken... He sounds good one second, then cold and ambivilant the next. Perhaps if he hadn't actually killed someone, It would be easier to overlook his extreme politics, church burnings, ect... Fenriz on the otherhand seemed more like an average music loving metalhead. I'd probably rather chill with him.... :) Check it out if you haven't seen it already.
  2. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I didn't know they were doing it as a gimmick or joke or something, it sounded sincere enough to me but thanks for the information. I don't really keep up with the details as much anymore.

    I hear a lot of Mercyful Fate connections with them by fans/nonfans/reviews which I just don't get. Fate was generally faster and had a lot more edge. I mean there's the whole "satanic message but not so heavy and brutal" thing I guess, but Fate's incomparable.
  3. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    I think if you take away the theatrics/lyrics/imagery then yeah, they are pretty incomparable but I can kind of see where they are coming from. Especially on albums like Melissa. In general though, its a lazy comparison.

    This thread seems to have diverged away from BM so erm, go listen to Jex Thoth :twisted:
  4. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I love Jex Thoth. I like Watain. I also love Wolves in the Throne Room, Panopticon, Addaura, deafheaven, Weakling, Twilight, Gallowbraid, Woe, Cobalt and tons of other USBM. I must be a hipster fucking poseur.

    All of this hubbub about Ghost is going to make me check them out as well.

    I take it no one is going to Agalloch then?
  5. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    I do like Twilight. I thought they had an cool sound on a few tracks. That Ghost cover art is pretty sweet...
  6. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    Going to see Immortal tonight!
  7. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

  8. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

  9. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Don't worry, we're here to help :twisted:
    For one, you can get the entire TheSyre catalog for free (legally) from here :
  10. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    :lol: I don't think many of us were living in Oslo during our early twenties in the early 90's so I'd say we are all poseurs...
    All you need (or at least a very solid start):
    Mayhem: Deathcrush, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
    Darkthrone: A Blaze in the Nothern Sky, Transylvanian Hunger
    Burzum: Filosofem, Det Som Engang Var
  11. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    That is frickin' awesome. :lol:
  12. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I listen to Mayhem, Darkthrone and especially Burzum. I just prefer better music.
  13. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ You youngsters got it all wrong, it's all about HELLHAMMER !
    The second wave is just entertainment :!:
  14. rockert

    rockert Addicted

    So basically Oslo is to BM as Seattle is to Grunge?

    Put that on the SAT test and see if you get cultural bias complaints.


    Mentioned these dudes before. May be derivative poseur crap but it sounded good to me. I like the vocals and the bassist plays like he is the center of attention. Pointing his bass at the audience like a gun and doing a long Cliff Burton melodic solo. :razz:

    Lightening Swords of Death
  15. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    Burzum, Mayhem, Hellhammer, Darkthrone Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Satyricon, Skeletonwitch (Black Metal/Thrash Metal), Marduk, and Watain are so far in my library. Lately though i've been really into Carpathian Forest.
  16. brooks55

    brooks55 Comment King

    Black metal is easily my favorite genre of music these days. I love death metal & doom metal a lot too, but black metal definitely gets most of my listening time anymore. I've been listening to a lot of Sear Bliss & Krallice lately. I just discovered the side project of "Winter" who is a former member of Sear Bliss, Forest Silence. Great stuff IMO.

    I also just ordered the new Fen which sounds like it could be the best thing they have done so far.
  17. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    In fact this is essentially the same for me, and it as been this way since At War With Satan came out.
    Classical music beeing close second in my heart and brains.
  18. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Hellhammer and Venom and Bathory all suck more than those other bands. (I'm kidding, just trolling here.)

    Anyone posting here who has never heard Funeral Mist, please check out Maranatha immediately. It's one of my favorite albums ever, let alone bm or not.

    Oh, while on the previous subject of USBM: Check this out. For those not keeping track, Jef Whitehead is Wrest of Leviathan, Twilight, Lurker of Chalice, Nachtmystium, Sunn O))), etc.
  19. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

  20. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    But you are right, Venom and Bathory sucked ass, keep on trollin' :D

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  21. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    Same here! Well except for that At war with satan part...never heard of them. True some of the newer bands may be much better musicians, and of course the original 80's black metal is great, but there was just something perfect about the second wave stuff. Those albums I listed just sound SO good. I love the DIY aspect of those albums. They sound so cold and poorly produced, combined with the cheap DIY artwork on a lot of those... Just frickin' perfect in my book.
  22. D-.No

    D-.No Addicted

    right now on my blackmetal vinyl playlist: Possessed, SABBAT & Hellhammer.
    Pink & Purple Colored vinyl- yeahhh RAAAWH!
  23. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    Eww I heard that Ghost band... Not a fan, well judging from the samples I heard at least... Check this album out for some cool Sabbath inspired throwback sounds (Sorry NOT black metal):
  24. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

  25. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    :lol: Brilliant!

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