Breaking region code?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ungawa222, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    So, I bought a Samsung Blu-Ray player over the weekend (and a Hugh Jass Samsung TV :D was high time, our old tube TV was long-dying...had to smack it on the side to keep the picture from jumping, towards the end)...didn't think to check on region code limits during my purchase (duh).

    Is there a way to easily disable region coding on the machine...or, alternatively, can anyone recommend a software that would allow me to make region-free copies of discs? I'm dying to watch my new Ultra-Q DVD!

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    you can use dvd decrypter to break the region coding and rip the dvd to your computer

    then use something like img burn to write those files to a blank dvd
    (img burn is supposed to be the replacement for dvd decrypter, but i havent been able to have the same success with it)

    decrypter has been discontinued so you'll have to find an old version of it online.
  3. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    Not sure about breaking region codes but I will say this, you may want to consider taking the Samsung player and exhanging it for a PS3. Not because it is a bad player or I am a huge PS3 fan (honestly wouldn't have bought it except for the following reasons) or anything, but do you know if the Samsung player is profile 2.0 or compatible to be profile 2.0? Since Sony owns Bluray they will almost surley screw you over in the long run. The PS3 is one of the only machines out right now that is for the most part future prrof. Just some food for thought. Plus if you get the PS3 you will have a game console although the game selection at this point is weak.
  4. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

    Do a Google search for your DVD player's model number. There are several sites out there that instruct you on how to make certain players region-free.

    It's possible that the Samsung player might not do it, though, being a major brand.
  5. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    alternatively, if you have a little extra cash, you can pick up region free players on ebay. I am looking for one so I can play all my UK comedy DVDs. They cost about $80.

    Good luck!
  6. INV2

    INV2 Addicted

    Second the comments on the PS3.. BluRay is now the standard for HD, and the PS3 is the cheapest BluRay player out there.

    If nothing else, take your Samsung back and get this

    Oppo makes the best upscaling player out there, and they are incredibly simple to set to region 0. Just a couple of button presses on the remote, no hacking or anything needed.
  7. KJB

    KJB Comment King

    Many of the low-profile brands (Cyberhome, etc) can be converted to all-region just by pushing the right buttons on the remote. The one I'm using now (a Philips) I got at Target for $25, and it works great.

    Check out this site:

    No physical modifications needed for most if not all of these.

    Hope this helps.
  8. INV2

    INV2 Addicted

    Unrelated to region code stuff, but upscaling to 1080p does make a big difference on a 1920x1080 TV. People say it doesn't, but they are totally insane.
  9. MrStone

    MrStone Toy Prince

    I know you just spent a lot on the blue-ray and tv, but I would suggest you spend just a little more on this player. ... 918&sr=1-1

    Easily unlockable regional coding, converts pal-ntsc. HDMI,'s a beautiful player.
  10. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Thanks for all the input, guys!
    Much appreciated.
    I'll do some investigation now.

    Yeah- this was actually suggested to me by the dudes at Best Buy as I was putting my package together. The PS3 was the same price as the Blu-Ray, and they said it was one of the best Blu-Ray players there is...but I opted not to do it, mainly because we already have a lot of haggling in our house with our son over "video game time", and I did not want to add to that at this time with yet another console (I'm not a gamer, myself, either). Had I known about the profile 2.0 factor and upgrade-ability, I might have given it more thought. I didn't research this so well- truth is, I found out that Best Buy was having "two years no interest" on all home theater goods with just hours left to go, and with our TV on the fritz, I figured the timing was absolutely right, and raced my butt up there. Ah, well...hopefully, my new player will not be obsolesced to soon (it is enabled to dl software updates)...and for now, we're really loving the new viewing experience. Watched some more of Planet Earth last night: seal-hunting Great Whites vaulting 10'-12' feet outta the water in slo-mo HD! Holy spinnin' Christ! Just awesome!
  11. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Just checked- apparently no region code hacks for the BDP1400.
    Boo! :cry:

    But props to Samsung for naming the player after Boogie Down Productions....
  12. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    I just checked out the specs and it is a profile 1 but I don't think it is going to be upgradeable to Profile 2. From what i understand though, all Profile 2 is going to give you is a buttload of online accesability, games, interactive features, more features, etc. So basically it is up to you. The PS3 is just the safest choice as far as future upgrades since it is made by Sony and they are the devil. BTW which TV did you get? I have a Samsung DLP and love it. Planet Earth is AMAZING. I sat there with my jaw hangin down watching most of it.

    Be careful listening to those Best Buy dudes. There are a select few that know what they are talking about but most could honsetly care less and don't know shit.
  13. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    I was trying to do the all region codes with the remote on my samsung DVD player and I could not get it to work.
  14. INV2

    INV2 Addicted

    They usually don't! I have been trying to "break" my friend's Magnanox for like 2 months, we have bought three different universal remotes to try to make the hacks work.

    That's why i got the Oppo. It works.
  15. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    So Do Blu Ray play regular discs too? I don't really get it.

    There are lots of all region (or easily converted to all region) players out there. Blu Ray, however, is a mystery to me.
  16. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    yeah blu ray will play normals also.

    the laser in blu ray players has a much shorter wavelength than normal disc players, and as a result they are far more precise. so much more data can be packed in tightly on the disc (so they hold more)
  17. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    meh-we'll see seems like a fad to me, but who knows. until it becomes the norm, and everything comes out on blu ray, i'm probably not buying a player.

    (sorry to derail)
  18. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    it should stick around. HD-DVD is already gone... and in theory we have to move to a medium that can hold more info than a dvd as things progress. higher quality movies, music, bigger computer files are going to need the added storage

    like the current dvd's hold like 4.7 gb for a single layer and around 9 or so for a dual layer

    blu ray discs hold 25 and 50 gb
  19. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    um, screw all this progress. i still watch VHS, because some great movies will never come out on DVD.


    You will not find this on DVD.

    no rush.
  20. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    never give up hope!

    if el topo can make it to dvd, so can home sweet home.


    the right person just needs to obtain the rights
  21. INV2

    INV2 Addicted

    The problem is that standard definition stuff looks soooo bad on a high definition set. The upscaling helps a great deal. All that said, I only own a PS3 because I got a crazy deal on it, and ended up paying -$27.00 for mine... Yes, it's very true I actually earned $27 by buying it... Looooong, boring, de-railing story. Needless to say I am happy BluRay came out on top. But I don't own any PS3 games... 1st person shooters are just no fun to me. BluRay looks amazing on my 42" Aquos.
  22. missy

    missy Post Pimp

    nah, el topo is a classic. home sweet home, was a direct to video turd starring Body By Jake as a killer. :)
  23. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    haha true, but that cooky guy owned it and would never release it again.

    similar situation with how johnny got his gun. metallica wanted the clips in their video for 'one' so they just bought the movie. and now it is in the void not getting released on dvd
  24. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    As already stated, Missy, blu-ray plays normal DVD's too, and I gotta say, makes them look fucking awesome. I slapped in one of my big faves, Buckaroo Banzai, the other day in the course of testing the new gear out, and I could not believe how absolutely freaking glorious the Samsung machine made it look.

    As for the TV, I'm not sure on the model #'s a 40" 1080p LCD with 120Hz....
  25. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    i should have waited and gotten a 1080p

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