Dempagon list

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by plover, Jul 24, 2008.


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    LOVE the colors, but 25,000 is a bit rich for my blood.

    Even for a one-off Menargo I don't think I could swing that much!
  2. JAY

    JAY Super Deformed

    I think its time to update this Depagon database as well....
  3. amethystcape

    amethystcape Addicted

    I'd appreciate it!

    Also, looks like a new dempa popped up on the sofvi blog....watermelon flavored?

  4. bethrazuul

    bethrazuul Toy Prince

    Would go great with the watermelon bemon! Here's hoping for a lucky draw... I never win these lotteries lol.
  5. jcat

    jcat Comment King

    version 9.0...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Superman ice cream. Looks great.
  7. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I've heard this one is an Okozeruge homage... really nice color combination in any event.
  8. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Never made the connection, but looks so obvious now...

  9. kurumonz

    kurumonz Side Dealer

    A real beau. This'll be THE one to get.
  10. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

    yup, I only have a few Dempas in my collection, but I'd sure love to add this one to the mix!
  11. six7777

    six7777 Addicted

    9.0 Looks great !!

    I have a few, this is one of my faves ..

  12. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

    ^^ haha, that one is awesome. Doraemon?
  13. six7777

    six7777 Addicted

    Yes :)
    It took me a few minutes to figure out what is was - and I was holding it ... the bell finally clued me in.
  14. amethystcape

    amethystcape Addicted

    I'm still looking to own one of those dorae-dempas someday. Easily in my top three. How many of those were made anyway?
  15. six7777

    six7777 Addicted

    Not sure how many were made of that one.
  16. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    I think that I may have stumbled across the answer to this when I was researching this version. If you Google image search for "'World Tower' Tokyo" then this comes up amongst the pictures:


    It's the cover to an album by Flipper's Guitar, a Japanese Pop-Rock band, called 'Doctor Head's World Tower'. The last song on the album is also called 'The World Tower'. The dot colors aren't all the same on both, but it seems like it would be a hell of a coincidence!

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