film similarities....

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by silver_lining_man, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    last night at work i was trying to kill time by thinking of american movies made in the last decade or so that seem to be loosely rip-offs of other films from ages back, and here is what i came up with:

    1. Last Man Standing has a story that runs pretty much like Yojimbo
    2. Kill Bill takes a lot from Lady Snowblood. basic plot, camera work, structure, you name it....
    3. Tarantino's production company or whatever, A Band Apart, had to have come from the original language title of Band Of Outsiders: Bande A Part.
    4. Every David Lynch movie has so much stuff that can be found in the 2 Maya Deren films Meshes Of The Afternoon (mostly i see Lost Highway in this) & At Land (tons of elements found in Mulholland Drive).

    and then i got bored with the whole thing. anyone care to add to the list? or, tell me i'm wrong with these.......
  2. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Star Wars - The Hidden Fortress
  3. nitty

    nitty Toy Prince

    Fistfull of Dollars was shot for shot closer to Yojimbo.Though all three were loose adaptations of Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest
  4. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    I think Life Aquatic was based on this documentary from the 70's called Blue water.
  5. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Last Man Standing is a remake of Yojimbo.
  6. onibaba5

    onibaba5 Post Pimp

    in theme and content....Magnificent Seven....Kurosawas "Seven Samurai" and of course Disney's infamous "Lion King" ripping off Tezuka's "Kimba"
  7. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    The Departed IS Infernal Affairs.
  8. August

    August Toy Prince

    THE ROAD TO PERDITION is based on a graphic novel that was, in turn, based on the manga/films LONE WOLF & CUB.
  9. UnderBeit

    UnderBeit Toy Prince

    Was watching the 1967 french film 'Le Samourai' this weekend and couldn't help but notice how much of the visual style seemed to have possibly been borrowed by David Lynch. The stark interiors, patterned rugs, curtains, etc. I was having all kinds of 'deja vu' moments...
  10. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    that is weird that you mention that, because, out of the 400+ films currently in my netflix queue, that is the one arriving in my mailbox today!
  11. mplspeep

    mplspeep Toy Prince

    Le Samouri is a great flick. Not as current but Taxi Driver got a lot from Ford's The Searchers.

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