Gama-Go Giant Yeti

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by jhateball, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. jhateball

    jhateball Addicted

    Neat-ish sculpt I guess. Not sure if Gama is in the "in" column anymore or not, but I know that some folks were chatting up the giant Deathbot a few months ago, so figured I'd post.

    Via OMGPosters, of all places:

    The “Big Vinyl Yeti” figure from Gama-Go is about to be available for preorder. It is a massive 10″ high and costs $90. You can grab one starting tomorrow (Thursday, October 30) at 11am PST. Additionally, if you place your order by Thursday, November 6, you’ll get a free Yeti t-shirt.

  2. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    I think this is pretty cool and as much as I'd rather not buy one I think I might have to
  3. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    18 months back I woulda probably thought the same thing . . . these days it strikes me as a 10" lump of fugly . . . but life'd be boring if we all liked the same shit!
  4. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    i dont think its giant enough to be cool
  5. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Personally I think it's a pretty faithful interpretation for the 2-d character. not going to buy it but it's well done
  6. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss


    10 inches is giant?
  7. plastichunter

    plastichunter Mini Boss

    I like the torch!
  8. eLOCO

    eLOCO Addicted

    Torch is great and I love the colors for sure. Might be adding this one, might not be. I'm truly undecided.
  9. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

  10. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

  11. el word

    el word Comment King

    I love all things Biskup and I love the Yeti character, but for some reason, this isn't quite doing it for me. I can't decide whether I'm going to get it or not. The torch does light up though, so....
  12. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Lost in translation
  13. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    looks really cool but I won't be buying one...
  14. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    needs more joints!

    i dont like the perma-posed legs
  15. smp

    smp Fresh Meat

    A free t-shirt............I'll give it a miss.
  16. jhateball

    jhateball Addicted

    I agree with the articulation head OR leg mojo. Would be a sort of cool gargoyle to post at the bathroom drawbridge of my ice-castle, thought. Whenever that happens. Pretty neat deet about the torch...guess that's just an LED or something?

    he does look like he'd make a pretty killer bank. probably get 500 bucks in quarters down his back without breaking a sweat. That's over FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS in net gain. YEAH!
  17. mz

    mz Toy Prince

    Personally, I like this version much better. One of my favorite pieces.
  18. dds3254

    dds3254 Toy Prince

    i dig it but not at 90. doable at 45.
  19. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    his left hand REALLY REALLY annoys me
  20. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    The right foot looks weird too.
  21. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    I think he's kneeling on a glacier there. I also think their is just something off about the whole sculpt. The face is done all right. I'm a big biskup fan, but maybe aftermarket for this toy.
  22. leinad

    leinad Fresh Meat

    I'll pass.
  23. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    I like it but yeah 10" aint really "giant" its only an inch bigger than "Standard" around these here parts. If it was 24" id say ok thats giant. Either way I still cant afford it right now...
  24. Zaaier

    Zaaier Line of Credit

    There's something fishy 'bout his left hand. It's an 'ok' toy in my book but not close enough to be a true 'attention-grabber'. Have to admit i dig the colors.

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