GHOST tonight at the El Rey...

Discussion in 'Muton's Minute' started by stinkupuss, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. stinkupuss

    stinkupuss Toy Prince

    Anyone going?
    I think their first record is pretty fun. The new one though sounds like a stupid poppy amusement park ride.
  2. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    I like both records man.

    Totally forgot about the show tonight, but I'm busy anyways. :( Have fun!!!
  3. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    I wanted to go to this - but I heard its sold out.

    From the description of the second record - it sounds EVEN more fun than the first. They were great fun live last time I saw them - I like some theatrics with my rokk - and who can say no to a corpse painted pope backed by a bunch of faceless monks?
  4. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


  5. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Lol. Must be my English accent when I type. And I didn't even use purple. I love Ghost. I'm serious about the theatricality. Such a great show. They start off with a prayer to Satan. It's a ton of fun and the music does not suck. They also have a great logo. Thanks to Rick for turning me onto them.

    How was the show Scott?
  6. stinkupuss

    stinkupuss Toy Prince

    it was a sea of idiots with camera phones trying to get pictures and video of the next 'cool' thing.
    ghost were good, even when their backing track was on the wrong song
  7. 75Sentai

    75Sentai Fresh Meat

    Not me! :) I have tickets for May 15th in Milwaukee.
  8. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    I've never understood this. Taking a few pics here and there is fine, but it seems like so many people are taking in more with their camera than enjoying the experience at most shows I've been to lately.
  9. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    I agree, but I do take pics/video of the shows that I go to...I try to make cool videos with the footage that I take to post on my site.
  10. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    I personally get really annoyed at the people taking video, pics is fine, but video, ugh. I dont think anyones shitty iPhone camera is gonna replicate the experience of the live show. That is even more palpable with bands that not only have music videos out, but also live recordings, be it on video or just the audio.

    The funniest part is that a lot of folk watch the shows through the screen of their camera and not the act live, then why go to a show if you are going to end up watching it on your celphone like some jumpy youtube video?

    Also, Skelletonwitch just announced dates and Ghost is opening at some of the shows, go check it out. Im pretty happy, since I didnt get lolapalooza tkts. :3
  11. stinkupuss

    stinkupuss Toy Prince

    i think skeletonwitch is actually opening for ghost

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