Gorilla Biscuits

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by WeKillYou, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    There are plenty of bands that only manage an album before being shit.
    Theres the whole you can usually release a load of singles and then an album, but then that album will show the signs of your down fall, or the classic 2-3 single and one album mix.
    Blitz being a classic example:
    2 stellar singles
    And album showing the progression.
    followed by a final "acceptable" single but with the obvious swan song sound to it.
    Partisans did much the same thing before managing to save themselves by changing the whole sound.
    its a general punk blueprint.
    anything after that first LP and you're on rocky ground.
    There are exceptions, and I will wait for you all to point them out now :D
  2. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    we started with a small head, but in 3d it looks like a pinhead and really weird. Plus the feet are so big, you can't actually pull them out of a mold, so they had to scale down. Civ and I went back and forth making it look and feel like the Gorilla from first glance, but still appropriate for a toy. The hardest part was the shorts, if you really look at the drawing, the shorts are way too short and even possibly rolled up, how very weird. Overall I am juiced on this, as I get to work with one of my favorite bands ever, and make a toy that should be a toy, it fits perfectly into the fight format. I also spent a lot of time figuring out if we could make alternate arms that mirrored the 7" label, but we couldn't with the pose it is in. Ah well, Maybe next time.....
  3. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    so true about Blitz! ha ha..they had that lame video from UKDK...

    On the other hand, the Business, they still rule. I got to meet/drink with Mickey Fitz a few years ago in Pittsburgh. It was a highlight of my life.
  4. McBoing Boing

    McBoing Boing Fresh Meat

    This is sick! GB was always one of the most fun hc bands to see on a Sunday afternoon...
    I wonder if there's gonna be a banana yellow colorway...
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Liskfest is next weekend. I hope its a vinyl release show, brian? alex? who's coming?
  6. WeKillYou

    WeKillYou Addicted

    is there any update on this guy? so excited for this!
  7. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    soon! Before 2009!
  8. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Holy :shock:
  9. WeKillYou

    WeKillYou Addicted

    fuck ya!!!
  10. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

  11. ribbon controller

    ribbon controller S7 Royalty

    I want this too
  12. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    Test pull in the possesion of mr. Flynn,
  13. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    such a rad figure, would be cool to see one
    with flocked hair & a bit on the forearms

    love those feet, drooled at the proto you
    guys had displayed @ SDCC in july.
  14. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    I am so excited for this release!!! It's been a bit since I have been super stoked on a new figure. Thank you S7!
  15. Zulkarnaen

    Zulkarnaen Addicted

    S7 is the best...
  16. WeKillYou

    WeKillYou Addicted

    looking SO good! i cant wait!
  17. devilboy

    devilboy Mini Boss

    i'm curious to know if anyone is into the figure without the nostalgic connection to the band or if we are all old farts desperately clinging to memories of days gone by through a cool hunk of plastic? anyone into it for the pure aesthetics as a stand alone? just curious...
  18. AladdinSane

    AladdinSane Addicted

    Old fart desperately clinging to memories of days gone by reporting for duty sir! :lol:
  19. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Personally likin' the sculpt based on its own merit as a neat twist on the fight figure platform . . . Gorilla who?
  20. downwithgnomes

    downwithgnomes Toy Prince

    I like the sculpt and like Gorilla Biscuits...I saw them live, but it was a recent tour, and seeing as I'm 27, its not nostalgia but it is love for a great hardcore band!

    Why did they come to Japan AFTER I moved back to the United States? :(
  21. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    It's a Monkey in a hoodie. What's not to like? :D

    I predict Flynn will get posi-top haircut for release day.
  22. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Cant stand the NYHC, the fig is OK but I think it's a given you have to have some kind of connection to the band. Not saying they suck or anything I just never liked em. Now if S7 did the bigboys skeleton.... Elderly Nostalgia AHOY!
  23. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    I have never listened to them or seen the album artwork until this topic. But I think the figure looks awesome.
  24. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    i would be lying if I said nostalgia had nothing to do with it but this figure is really damn cool because my daughter just said so. She has no clue who GB is.
  25. Chad Hensley

    Chad Hensley Post Pimp

    >Now if S7 did the bigboys skeleton

    that's an idea! +7

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