Halloween movie recommendations

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Kevlo9, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Yeah I just watched Zombi on youtube. Pretty dull. Hmm so Romero doesn't make good ones anymore, tired of "comical zombie flicks", don't want to watch any of those straight to dvd ridiculous ones, guess there's not much out there until the Walking Dead series comes out or World War Z movie?
  2. downwithgnomes

    downwithgnomes Toy Prince

    Watch some classics:
    Evil Dead
    Evil Dead II (more of a slapstick horror-comedy zombie flick)
    Dead Alive

    NEVER EVER see blood freak...the idea of a zombie turkey is amazing...delivery is awful! :(
  3. phantomfauna

    phantomfauna Side Dealer

    Yup. Hollywood video has it.
  4. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I really liked [REC], saw it before the remake ever hit. Saw the remake, like most US remakes, blargh. I had hope because it didn't look like they changed much, and they didn't, but enough to make me not like it. I think the acting was key too, I really liked the cast in [REC] they sold me.

    "HALLOWEEN" based films? Psht, duh, "Hocus Pocus"
  5. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Hell Night (1981) with Linda Blair
    The Strangers
    Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
    The Brood
    Event Horizon
    Amityville Horror
    Salem's Lot
    Silence Of The Lambs
    The Devils Rejects
    Last House On The Left (new remake has disturbing rape scene beware)
    Hostel II
  6. Greasebat

    Greasebat Side Dealer

    This one is excellent, great soundtrack too!
  7. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    I'm not gonna stop going on about Shock Waves, swiftly followed by Outpost.

    And Colin when it's released in the States.
  8. gabbagabba

    gabbagabba Comment King

  9. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Just saw Drag Me to Hell online. Was not expecting much but I actually enjoyed it. I mean the part in the garage where she drops the road runner /wild e coyote giant ACME anvil hanging by a rope (who sets up that disaster in their garage?) on the old woman's head or Justin Long's wooden "oh no oh no...." under reaction to the oncoming train aside, it was good. Recommended.
  10. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    drag me in blu ray just came in from netflix.
  11. Slack

    Slack Mini Boss

    just saw it over the weekend and loved it, it was like Army of Darkness meets Tales From the Crypt. I think my favorite part was when the old lady was gnawing on the girls chin and the mouthful of green ooze, or maybe when the girl projectile vomited blood all over her boss, tough to decide. Great flick.
  12. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    I recommend a 20th century Dracula marathon, to be watched in order :

    - Nosferatu (1922 - Murnau) with Max Schreck (if you can try to find the Version with Art Zoyd's soundtrack on it)
    - Dracula (1931 - Browning) with Bela Lugosi
    - Horror of Dracula (1958 - Fisher) with Christopher Lee
    - Bram's Stokers Dracula (1992 - Coppola) with Gary Oldman (and Keanu Reeves :? )
  13. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I also like the Spanish version that was made at the same time/same set. I think that the directing and acting is generally better in this version, except for the part of Dracula, I prefer Lugosi. If Lugosi could speak Spanish and was cast in that version, or the Spanish speaking actors and that versions director did the English version w/Lugosi, I think it'd have been amazing.
  14. plasticXO

    plasticXO Comment King

    I'd read about this version but never seen it. I need to find it now !

    If you want the 70's-80's covered you can also watch :

    Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979 - Herzog) with Klaus Kinski
  15. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I recently picked up a Hammer Dracula 4 pack and the only one worth anything was Blood of Dracula. For some reason the others just bore me. I really like Coppola's Dracula (own) and the Herzog Nosferatu (need to own) though!
  16. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    I saw this and wasn't very impressed at all, mainly because it ran like a shitty Hammer costume drama. Then I was told that there are in fact 2 drastically different versions, an English one and the original German one and the German one is far far superior. So now I have to hunt that down and see that.
  17. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    So you didn't like Zombi and only thought Day of the Dead was okay.

    Hmm, if you want "good" zombie movies, there really aren't any anymore.

    I can recommend you a bunch of fun Italian crapfests though:

    -Night of the Zombies (aka Hell of the Living Dead)
    -Nightmare City (aka City of the Walking Dead)
    -Zombie 3

    I'm actually REALLY over how trendy and popular zombie movies/comics/books have gotten in the last few years. It's annoying, as is getting as bad as vampires have become. All I gotta say is they better not touch werewolves, or I'll be pissed.
  18. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Well let me clarify. The zombies in Zombi were really cool, and it's been probably 10 years since I saw the original Day of the Dead so take what I said with a grain of salt.

    I agree with you 100% on how trendy zombies have become. I think that's why I like the survival character driven stories more than gore-fest because it's always an angle/setting that can be changed, and well the zombies are always essentially the same right? Honestly I tend to read more than watch these kinds of movies.

    Overall no movies scare me anymore, so all my psyche is left with is exploring intelligent story lines. Sad really when you lose that feeling you had when you were younger.
  19. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Cmon, really? Who actually LIKES Day of the Dead? I mean non-Ironically. I love it, but it's more me laughing at it. Some wonderful lines and over-acting. The over the top "Military is BAD" message, Bub?!?!?1 BUB?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ZOMBIES CAN'T LEARN AND SHOOT GUNS AND SALUTE GEORGE, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! As for Zombi, I'm just not artsy or European enough to enjoy it, I'm too stupid I guess, bores me to TEARS.

    MOST Zombie movies suck. Most of ANY genre suck. But when you weed out that 9.8% that's really good, than it's all worth it. What draws me to Zombie films is always the big takeover, the big day where they're all over and people are freaking trying to survive. So it doesn't need to be ZOMBIES really, just any sort of panic than survive story interestes me. It's what I liked about 30 Days of Night, the attack and survival. I'm tired of Zombie movies trying to "take it farther" with dumb crap, like them "learning" or "evolving" or weak plot twists like "they're all controlled by a hive!" NO! Just a bunch of corpses eating people and than the story is about said people surviving the madness. We don't need any extra c-rate sci-fi channel BS story added on.

  20. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I don't know why everyone keeps focusing on me liking Day of the Dead. If you scroll up I never said that. I said it was "ok" at best. I also said I had not seen it in about 10 years so I guess I never liked it that much to try watching it again. So quit trying to use this as some condescending argument that I like shit movies. For the record I hate when they try to evolve zombies also. Geez.

    30 days of night was shit.....ooohh scary, Vampires with CGI faces that scream. real scary.
  21. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    I would agree with you here about most zombie movies sucking. I think because I know that and have for years, I really don't look for any of them to be "good".

    I grew up watching horribly dumb zombie movies and loving them, so that's all I really want/expect from them. I generally feel like the more abysmal they are, the better.

    In fact, I think from what you guys know about my taste in cinema, I'm rarely ever interested in watching a "good" movie. Sometimes friends have to twist my arm to get me to watch acclaimed stuff, because I'm always pushing to watch some Z grade crap. It's often much more entertaining to me for some reason (not all of it though, there are limits).

    I would say that the only "good" zombie movies are the original Night of the Living Dead and Dawn.

    I actually really love the over the top military is bad message in Day of the Dead because they're basically the jocks of the movie (with guns) and I hate jocks so...

    And if you like 28 Days Later, you like Day of the Dead because a lot of stuff from the end of that movie was totally lifted from DOTD.

  22. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I agree on Night and Dawn being the only legit GOOD ones. Otherwise I like goofier ones, like Return of the Living Dead series, Sean of the Dead, etc. Haven't seen Zombieland but I assume it'd be up my ally.

    I hated 28 Days once they got to the military part, hahaha, I was like "SHIT THAT'S WHAT I HATED ABOUT DAY, BUT DAY HAD WAY BETTER (worse) ACTORS!" I like 28 Weeks more, dude left his wife, hahahaha, what a dick! Kinda wished he lived and in the end screwed his kids over too, buuuuuuuuuut I guess I just like jerk-wad characters.

    To me zombie movies come in 2 catagories really, not good or bad, but fun or SLOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW. I prefer the fun ones.
  23. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty


    I'm not a giant zombie fan, but have really enjoyed alot of the recent zombie efforts.
    Of the older ones I'm no fan of Romero and aside from the Blind Dead series (and only a few of them) and Shock Waves (which is one of my favourite films), I usually tend to ignore them, for better or worse.
  24. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I thought I spelled it wrong, but didn't care to check up on it, thanks.

    World War Z the book was amazing, IMO. I ususally don't get into horror books, they tend to be tired. But it explored the survival and events more than the "why are there zombies" or lame attempts at being shocking.

    I'm really iffy on the movie though. I can't see how it'd be made to even match the book. I heard it's gonna be a narrative, which makes little sense if you read the book, based on Max Brooks (the "interviewer" in the book.) I'd rather see a fake doc. style movie with "interviews" from the survivors and and "real" footage taken from satalite footage or security or news footage, etc. I think that'd paint a more interesting picture. But we'll see.
  25. donnierobot

    donnierobot Comment King

    get 'living dead at the manchester morgue ' just reissued by blue underground it is really bloody good :)

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