Hyper Hobby Help!

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by djkemp, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. djkemp

    djkemp Toy Prince


    Just wondering if anyone can help me, I was searching instagram yesterday and a post came up with some pages from an issue of Hyper Hobby, it was a two page spread of mini Bullmark Ultra kaiju with lots of colour variations I had never seen. I saved it to look at later but for some reason it didn't save and now I can't find it! Just wondering if anyone else saw it, know who posted it or know how I could find the Hyper Hobby issue.

    Thanks in advance

    rattanicus likes this.
  2. old_seaweed

    old_seaweed Toy Prince

    Hi Dave — was it this one?

    djkemp likes this.
  3. Roger

    Roger Die-Cast

  4. djkemp

    djkemp Toy Prince

    Yes it was, great, thanks so much.
    old_seaweed likes this.
  5. djkemp

    djkemp Toy Prince

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