I Dream of Sofubi...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by VELOCITRON, Aug 3, 2008.


    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Did you guys ever go so far as to dream about Vinyl? I had a good one last night: I was in some store that doesn't really exist, and I found a Galtan-ish figure that looked like Space Godzilla with a skull head. Just about to buy it and I woke up... :cry:

    That's what I get for looking at all the WF2008 releases on YJA before going to bed!
  2. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    I've been having the same dreams regarding toys and records for over 10-15 years:

    I'm always at some small store. they have tons of rare toys that I want for cheap(bemons,gargamel,dischord acetates). I'm carrying them all in my arms to the front. As im buying I always wake up. Sometimes I get as far out as the door before I wake up. I always wake up and curse skullbrain in the middle of the night in a indistinguishable groan.
  3. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    I get that same one where I'm in Tokyo and I've found a shop noone else knows about. Inside is all sorts of inexpensive Popy, Takatoku, Bullmark, etc. Then I wake up. :x
  4. PaulieVinyl

    PaulieVinyl Post Pimp

    Ugh, I totally have toy dreams. It's much worse if there's a YJA auction I'm bidding for something I'm wanting badly. It's actually happened more than once. I'll dream I've won the bid, and then often wake up in mid dream only to have to get up in the middle of the night and check the auction. Creepy. :?
  5. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Several weeks ago I had a dream where I was with a few people and we found an old train wreck that had been abandoned years ago. We were walking through all the cars of the train, which were on their side, topsy-turvy, and I found several trunks that had old-school Micro-Man, Henshin Cyborg, Star Wars and Transformers. I stuffed as much of the stuff into my bag as I could and vowed to come back for the rest. As we were making our way through the rest of the train it became apparent that it was haunted - ghosts were flying by and chasing us. As we exited the train it just disappeared.
    That's the closest I've come to dreaming about this stuff.

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Funny you mention records... I think I had a dream at one point where I found the lost crate of Rotters 7"s that the one member's ex-girlfriend apparently threw in the trash. It was at a yardsale or something and they were all marked at 50 cents.
  7. meary

    meary Addicted

    I used to dream about finding Bemons and anraku at toytokyo in NYC. It was a lot bigger though, and there were piles of toys everywhere to search through. They would have a ton of colors and I only had enough money for one or two. I would spent most of the dreams trying to decide which to buy, super frustrating.
  8. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    OMG, so many, many times. It's never an existent toy, it's always some incredibly special and weird dream-toy. I either wake up just as I'm about to buy, or I'm about to buy when suddenly some lengthy, purchase-derailing subplot begins...
  9. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I was dreaming I was in some crappy tourist town in a gift shop. There, in the glass case, next to the sun screen and neon shades were 3 BEMONS! I asked the lady at the counter how much, she replied "This one's $890, this one's $1,100 and this one's $10 because it has a small mark." I flipped out and bought the $10 and than woke up.

    There's been threads like this. I always thought "Psht, I'm not that big of a loser to dream of toys!" UNTIL last weekend.

    So who wants to sell me a $10 Bemon?
  10. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    i'll sell you one, but shipping will cost 700 bucks. :lol:
  11. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    I think you might have had a psychic vision of what i was designing over the weekend. weird.

    VELOCITRON Comment King

    Jedi mind meld 8)
  13. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    I sense a high concentration of midi-chlorians in you Ricky.
  14. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    I had a dream where Hiddy gave me access to the "Jail of Toy" and told me to take all of it home.
  15. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    I dreamt not too long ago that I was being attacked by a life-size (about 7.5') Diablo. He thrust his skullblob arm towards me and I woke up.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    last night i dreamt of a new clear orange 15" super7 x marusan godzilla. i was bummed when i woke up.
  17. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    I've been having dreams of being attacked by Carlos Enriquez's breast and vagina monsters but they're not that scary.
  18. meanmistert

    meanmistert Line of Credit

    I dreamt that there was a huge version of a Super7 store, except it stocked every figure ever produced. Aisles of vintage, new, used, EVERYTHING...like a giant vinyl candy store. And it was located right around the corner from my house! I was telling my buddy who was there with me, "I'm gonna be here every single day."
    Then I woke up (pissed)
  19. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    I always lose my wallet :cry:
  20. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    I had a dream last night that I sent a friend to go pick me up a show-exclusive toy - told him that I'd pay him whatever it cost. He ended up buying me a whole bunch of other toys that I didn't particularly want and expected me to pay for them. Of course I did, and pretended to be grateful, but inside I was pissed - "why'd you buy me all this crap I didn't ask for!?!"
    I was just reminded of this dream when I saw a photo of one of the toys that was bought for me! Weird to have an entire dream pop into your head in a fraction of a second...
  21. hypermook

    hypermook Addicted

    I think my very vivid toy-shop dreams are a big part of why I collect.
  22. conqueror

    conqueror Addicted

    last night i dreamt i found a store that was just full of every single 400% bearbrick (haven't bought one in ages) that had been released for like $10 each, except the one i really wanted was $110 and i only had $100 on me.
  23. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I had one of these last night. Except it wasn't about finding toys- in the dream I had these crazy, multi-tiered display cases spread out in a large room. Is it bad when you start fantasizing about the display options in addition to the figures themselves?

    One of the cases had a toy that looked like a cross between an Usugrow Rebel Ink and Dokuro King, like it had the Usugrow body in clear purple, but with a skull helmet. Heaven forbid that should ever be produced...

    And then I woke up and realized that I live in a small apartment. Sigh.
  24. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Last night I dreamt that Bemon was putting out Lucky Bags and that somehow I could order one. The details of the Lucky Bag were that you would get 2-4 figures and the price was $400! I really want this dream to come true... :cry:
  25. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    i had a dream the other night that a neighbor of my grandma's had an outdoor junkyard type shop

    underneath this one plywood table were tons of beat up vintage vinyl toys. (and some not vintage - i remember a pink m1go matango)

    i couldn't wait until nightfall when the guy would leave and i would come back and pick through the pile. he'd never miss it with all the crap he had around! but i woke up before that happened

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