Kabutaku toys?

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by muckmonster87, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. muckmonster87

    muckmonster87 Toy Prince

    so please correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe this series was called Kabutaku. someone on another toy forum knows i love anything similar to Robocon and sent me this. he found it at a flea market in NYC. i haven't found any other photos of vinyl Kabutaku toys online, does anyone know of any others that were made?

  2. Sokubo

    Sokubo Fresh Meat

  3. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    The show is called B-Robo Kabutack .. from the 90's the cute robots could transform into giant robo fighters .. I have this vinyl one in giant form ..


    They are pretty cool robots !
  4. muckmonster87

    muckmonster87 Toy Prince

    thanks for the correction Scobot! do you know if any other of the "cute" robots were made in vinyl form?
  5. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    I think they all exist as figures (like plastic and hard rubber keychain style) but they might have missed the boat as far as more traditional vinyls like robocon characters.

    I've only seen the main character as vinyl but i'm no expert on this series

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