Kaiju Eruban/Elburn info help

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by JoeMan, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Hello resident kaiju experts, I’m looking for info on a Kaiju that a few toys have been made of, but I can never seem to find the suited monster or it’s origins.

    Listed on Mandarake, a sun guts toy labeled Tsubaraya daikaiju Eruban.

    One of my favorites, Nakayoshi Elburn, despite the name difference they seem to be the same character.

    Anyone have info on the origin?
    old_seaweed and ultrakaiju like this.
  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Interesting question here, Joe. To be honest, I think that the original take is from Mr. Sunguts, and is a pachi monster he created in the early 2000s. You can see reference to it and a quick mention in this interview:

    It's also listed here on the table of Sunguts characters,

    The Nakayoshi (which I have often seen called 'Another Elburn') is a similar but quite different take, and carries all of the amazing Nakayoshi sculpt detail, skill, and charm. I think this one came later though. I am not sure if maybe there was a direct collaboration on the concept, or maybe Nakayoshi did this as a tribute/honor to the Sunguts pachi character. It has been available in a few different versions, definitely the above, a few versions of blue (gold chest, light blue chest, and yellow chest), and purple (in a great battle pack with Bangar).

    So, sorry I cannot give a definitive answer, but my impression is the later Nakayoshi (hence Another perhaps) was born from the Sunguts character. What the specific connection is, I am afraid I don't know, but would be great to find out. This blog suggests something, but might just be a reference to the colour also.

    Excellent post though, about a fantastic toy. Thanks for bringing this up.
  3. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    That would make sense if it was a sunguts original character. The mention of Tsubasa, which I took to be a translation Tsubaraya in the Mandarake listing threw me for a loop and made me think it was a licensed character.
  4. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I don't know the story, but the Nakayoshi one came with an unpainted version of the Sunguts Elburn. So I think it was done as a collaboration of some sort.
    ultrakaiju and wingnut0 like this.

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