Kaws x pushead figure?

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by mdfnw, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. mdfnw

    mdfnw Fresh Meat

  2. Shirahama

    Shirahama Side Dealer

    This was totally a secret release, literally no one knew this was going to be fore sale, they unveiled it right when the doors to the event were opened. It sounds like only 150pcs were made. Already up to $700 on Yahoo! and it looks like the same person is bidding on them all. Probably show up is the states somewhere for $1200 or more later. That really sucks as this is a cool toy.

    And for some of you this will be worse, there was a color version Pushead Skull Wing that it looked like only about 15pcs were made in 3 colorways, I couldnt get close enough to see as they had everyone pushed back into line and I missed it by one person. It was $100 retail! The regular white flocked ones were $40 and I am not sure how many they made. But at least 50pcs it looked like, I didnt ask.
  3. vinylglowaddict

    vinylglowaddict Post Pimp

    MAN I wish I could have been there!!!!!! I also wish I would have known the prices for the KawsxPushead was going to get so high. there was one on YJA this morning for buy it now 30000yen!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have went for it. DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well at least I am getting a flocked Skullwing to ease the pain.
  4. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    its that asswipe adude trying to buy them all and pushing the bids up.

    I hope NO ONE buys these from him on ebay, cause he pulled an ass move.
  5. bigstar13

    bigstar13 Line of Credit

    Screw 'em.

    Kaws is going to have them online for us folks in the next couple months.
  6. bigstar13

    bigstar13 Line of Credit

    I think "Adude" is easily one of the most hated people in the toy world right now.
  7. cesar

    cesar Addicted

    Yo VGA, How did you manage to track down a flocky skullwing? Thats dope!
  8. vinylglowaddict

    vinylglowaddict Post Pimp

    hey kingces my friend in Japan has a friend that went to WCC and he picked one up for me. to bad he wasn't one of the people in the front!!!!!! My white flocked should be here tomorrow!!!!!!!!
  9. jltohru

    jltohru S7 Royalty

    awwww I grabbed a flocky skullwing from YJA but i'm sure i paid more than VGA!!!!

    nice grab!!!! :D

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