Kim Jung Gi passed away

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by gatiio, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    This was a shock this morning. I love his works
  2. wingnut0

    wingnut0 S7 Royalty

    Such crappy news to wake up to
  3. brobles

    brobles S7 Royalty

    Was on his way to NYCC. Devastating news. RIP
  4. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    I saw the post on his Instagram this morning. What a shame. Only 47 years old too.
  5. Bob

    Bob Toy Prince

    Yeah a real shame. Me and some buds were talking about him in the pub last night. Back in 2016 he was at a comic festival in the U.K. and we went to see him. We fully expected everyone would rush to see him so we queued up real early but when the doors opened almost everyone walked right by him. Meant I was second at his table so got a chance to have a chat with him and he was really friendly and a joy to watch as he sketched for us. Went back later in the day as he had a huge piece of paper on the wall for one of his large live drawings and it was amazing to watch him bounce across the sheet adding bits here and there until it all came together. Genius!
  6. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    This news was such a shock. Goodbye to an absolute master.
    rattanicus likes this.
  7. eleggua

    eleggua Toy Prince

    gatiio and Geobukgan like this.

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