Latest Artwork...Not Kaiju

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by BEYOND, Mar 3, 2008.


    BEYOND Comment King

    I thought I'd post my newest artwork I just finished. It's a gift to someone and I hope they will like it. They haven't seen it yet. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks for looking.


  2. ikkashinju

    ikkashinju Comment King looks GREAT!!! I really like the shading you did. You never really did shading in the past did you? Never the less...awesome job!
  3. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    awesome. Love the Oni.....

    More Oni!!!!!
  4. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Excellent. The airbrushed shading reminds me of tattoo flash shading. Keep doin' what you do!
  5. Stone

    Stone Side Dealer

    Looks great Hiro!! :razz:
  6. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    How can you go wrong w/ a nice Oni!
    Been wanting to see your work.
    I think you should put one (real big) on the office ceiling before Glenn gets back.
    Cool man!

    BEYOND Comment King

    Thanks everyone. Here is another one I have done recently. Hope you like it.

  8. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    :shock: Really love that piece.
  9. PaulieVinyl

    PaulieVinyl Post Pimp

    NICE. Who doesn't love chicks and snakes? ;)
  10. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I would love to see the oni with "liljapan" in the banner done in 4x6 heavy card stock so I could frame it. That image alone I'd pay for.
  11. eldorado

    eldorado Addicted

    Hiro....keep it up man you are definetly getting better and better all the time.
    I cant wait to get my RXH pice back and hang it back up next to the LS Plexi and The Geisha. Did I ever pay you for the...I will PM you.
    Keep Inking !
  12. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Something I started last night. For a friend's(my old roomie) band in LA. I might make this into my first shirt if it all goes well. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking.

  13. Aaron

    Aaron Comment King

    Ahhh that's so cool Hiro!
    If you got this produced I'd totally rock it.

    Is the design for the band or is it just a gift for them? 'Cause if it was meant as a band logo or something, I'd probably have to hear them before I wore the shirt. :lol:
  14. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Not sure if he will use it as a logo. But maybe as a CD jacket to send out to places. But he hasn't gotten back to me yet so we'll see.

    His band is ummm....their ok. He's still learning and trying to find his style.he's planning on moving to London to learn more. So I'm trying to support him as he is doing his best.
  15. hypermook

    hypermook Addicted

    I think your drawings are rocking hard, but since you asked, I do have one criticism.

    It's purely technical. When I look at your work, I always notice the brushstrokes in the solid background. I find myself wishing it had a more solid look, ya know? One or 2 more coats of whatever you using there would fix it (unless it's some kind of felt-tipped marker, then I'm not so sure...).

    Just sayin' and trying to be constructive ^_^

    BTW, that spray-stuff you do with the black reminds my of older style tats, cool shit.
  16. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Thank you for the comment Hypermook. I am actually trying to figure out the best way to get the least brush strokes. I hate that too, but I'm hopeing i'll get it down soon.

    Thanks again. ;)
  17. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Switch from ink to paint which I think you should do anyway. Or instead of using paper use a gesso and 1/4 inch MDF board , with brush and ink instead or marker.

    The foundation for which you work on will determine the out come. Really experiment with different board, inks, paints, booth.

    But I think its the paper and ink deal that is giving you this overlay.
  18. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    This sounds like a good idea. I'm not very good with paint, but I have been playing with it. It may be the paper I am working on. I use a brush ink pen to fill in the big area. i'll see what I can come out with, and work with it. i'm still learnin and i love it. :D
  19. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    What kind of paint do you use ?

    Oil, acrylic, water, etc...

    You can also paint with charcoal.

    If you don't like the result try something else. But eventually you will go to paint. Its a natural progression.

    I'm not saying you will stop using ink, you may use booth. Try artist cel-vinyl paint.

    I honestly think you should try out MDF with a thin coat of gesso. Most people think gesso is uneven and gloppy. I had a teacher who made us get 1/4 inch think MDF and lay on gesso with an brush and inch wide. You apply the gesso as much as the brush will allow but rub it into the board as much as you could. You can really spread out a quarter size wad into a 8-9 inch circle. Or you can just sand it down.It will hold ink or any paint and will allow you to use pencil and erase.

    It may sound like a lot of work but its worth it. I would do about 4 boards this way when I wanted it it was already done.

    I think you need to experiment. Its obvious you will progress with your style of art. But if you want to see it progress to the next step your gonna have to really find the next step for application. To make all strokes smooth and even with minimal overlapping.

    Its all gonna boil down to you experimenting with things you would never think of or are scared to try.
  20. Stone

    Stone Side Dealer

    Hiro with your talent it want take you long to figure out the paint process..Your line work is KILLER,and I love the expressions you use on your ladies.. ;)
  21. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Thank you lowenbrow. i actually started inking the sketch last night. I am still going to go with the pens and not use paint on this one. So far, it's coming out great. I will post t once it is done.

    Also, thanks for the comments on the ladies.......couple more years and I am free from drawing girls.....I will explain this next time if anyone is curious. ;)
  22. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    I can never get tired of drawing girls ;)
  23. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Here is the work in progress. I kinda happy how it's coming out. What you think?
  24. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    Inkin done. Now for the red to get in......

  25. ikkashinju

    ikkashinju Comment King

    nice job Hiro!

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