M1 Hedorah

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by smo9monster, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    One thing I've observed is that the collectors that got mid-size Hedorahs never wanted to let go of them (nor can I blame them). Has anyone else seen pre-owned ones for sale over the years?
  2. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I see them come up for sale individually from time to time on Japan online stores, but they are usually fairly pricey.

    Most of the mid-size Hedorahs were sold as sets of 3 in the eggs, correct?
  3. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    From what I remember, yes, there were two or three eye-egg sets that contained three each. There were bagged versions of the yellow and pink ones, and there was another pink one that came in a small kaiju egg with a mini Ultraman alien. Then more recently, there were the ones sold at the Shinjuku bar event in May.

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