Movie Wizards... What quote is this movie from...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by wizeguy, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. wizeguy

    wizeguy Side Dealer

    and please provide proof, possibly a portion of the script:

    What are you gonna do?... Spoon me to death?
    Its stumpin' the hell out of me!
  2. ---NT---

    ---NT--- Prototype

    Wow...I'll totally know this once someone says it... I can almost picture it.
  3. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    I am thinkin three different movies. Mystery Men, Whole Nine Yards, or Whole Ten Yards. Is it one of those?
  4. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    sounds like Mystery Men
  5. wizeguy

    wizeguy Side Dealer

    I thought Mystery Men but when I went through the entire script, I could not find the line!

    Its driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    I thought it was from a recent story in the Doctor Who series, but I was wrong, close though. Someone challenges a captive Dalek and says:

    What are you gonna do?... Sucker me to death?
  7. silent killer

    silent killer Line of Credit

    huh, thats what i would have thought too
  8. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    What is this for? Why are so many people searching for this online?
  9. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Internet hoax? I wouldn't know but am a little suspicious. Everyone thinks they've heard the line but nobody can place it.

    Scripts don't always match dialogue that makes it into a film, as sometimes directors allow for improv or on-set edits. Is it possible that the line *is* in "Mystery Men" but not the published script?
  10. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    It sounds so familiar to me as well but I can't place it. To me it sounds like an Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson or Ben Stiller line. I've been looking all morning.
  11. wizeguy

    wizeguy Side Dealer

    Kevin and Bean and Ralph Garmin have been trying to figure it out and people have sent in over 100 movies but none have panned out as being the correct one yet.

    I know I have seen the movie but can't figure it out either!
  12. Roger

    Roger Vintage

  13. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    ...a nods as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh...
  14. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Well I'll let you guys guess what my night is going to consist of. I swear it's from a movie like Bottlerocket or something. I asked my friend who works at this AWESOME movie store. I bet he'll have an idea.
  15. Ultra_Gigan

    Ultra_Gigan Addicted

    Monty Python?

    *nudge nudge wink wink * :lol:
  16. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    say no more, say no more, say no more
  17. MrStone

    MrStone Toy Prince

    I think I heard it in a recent episode of a sitcom. Could be Chuck. If I remember right it had to do with spooning in bed, not a real spoon.

    Man this is going to drive me crazy. I just remember a scene with a guy tied up on a bed. The woman who tied him up is pressed against him, and he says the line.
  18. skylar

    skylar Post Pimp

    I think you meant "what movie is this quote from?"

    mords wixed
  19. PaulieVinyl

    PaulieVinyl Post Pimp

    I was sure this would be Blue Raja from Mystey Men. Hmmm...
  20. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Ha. I've been reading this thread and didn't even notice that.
  21. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    What is it that has brought this quote to mind?

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