MVH Doji San and DX Sludge Demons

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Rich, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    In collecting, none of us are entitled to anything, despite whatever luck we draw.

    I haven't won a lot of things from a lot of artists. Perhaps I'll lament from time to time about how much it hurts to miss out on something, but dragging the artist's name through the mud publicly; that's pretty bad form, because you know what? It's not their fault. It's the most we can ask that the work is even made available to us in the first place. And at a fair price! And at a set time and place! How much more of a level playing field can we be given, when there are hundreds of people vying for the same thing?
  2. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    It seemed to me like things were available for a good 2 or 3 minutes after the shop opened, at least according to the availability bar on the listings. Apparently after reading people's comments here that bar is not accurate? How does that work?

    I didn't get to the point of actually adding anything to the cart to check if this was the case because although I love Rich's toys, I don't like black and white vinyl.
  3. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    You know what, let's just stop. I didn't know that noleaser, because I don't go over there, but I knew you used to be the mod over there. I don't want to keep spewing negativity. I was wrong about you, Im sorry. Ecko too.
  4. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    Availability bar reflects completed sales i believe. So theoretically all items could be sitting in cart limbo and the bar would still show theyre available. The krakens were all in carts withing at least 2mins, im sure it was more like 30secs tho. I tried back 10-12mins later cuz it was still not "sold out" but alas they wwre still unavailble and sitting in carts
  5. Headhunter

    Headhunter Line of Credit

    Yeah as soon as they went up the Krakens and some of the other toys were already being held in ppls carts. I normally aim for the sludge's because it seems like the bigger items are always the prime target with ppl.

    Ether way it was a very successful run for Rich as most of his online stuff is.
  6. Bitterpill

    Bitterpill Comment King

    I recall getting butt hurt about a lotto release a while back ( Hulk Ollie perhaps..?)
    Then I remembered some sage advice from two of America's greatest poets...

  7. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Lol yes. Yeah make no doubt about it I'm stoked for Rich. There is a reason he is sought after. He is a great guy and deserves all the attention he gets.
  8. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I don't post much anymore here because everything I say will get nit picked like its some conspiracy theory.

    Thanks to all who tried with last nights drop. I think the method I did was by far the best. No link, no info and closing down the site until the drop. It's the only way that gave the most fair shot.

    Sorry to those that didn't socre, there is literally nothing I more I can do besides giving you the toy direct lol.

    And quentor, your words really disappoint me and not to make it public but you know why.

    On to the next drop so I can disappoint and ruin people's lives.
  9. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    I do know why Rich, congrats on the release. Check your PM.
  10. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    I was a KR mod before as well. Guarentee you that gives me no clout whatsoever for MVH, let alone KR drops lol.

    Anyways, drops were dope. Like the surprise releases. He black set with he painted teeth or the orange chain... Nice. Almost a "halfways to Halloween" drop. My local triple A baseball team just had a halfways to Halloween promo game.
  11. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Can the next header say "MVH, ruining lives since 2009!"
    smurph likes this.
  12. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Can MVH stand for Many Violated Humans? Or Most Vehemently Hoarded?
  13. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Well, this pretty much ended my relationship with Rich, but I stand by my comments. Believe it or not I never criticize Rich or drag his name through the mud anywhere in this thread. You guys, Rich included decided to take it that way.

    I'm simply saying it's too hard, and I'm out. I don't care if it's a girlfriend, a job, anything in life. If I'm not happy, and not getting results, what is the point? I don't fight losing battles, I'm not doing it anymore. If you want to turn that into a reflection about how Rich does releases go ahead but I never went there.

    I did imply that people who are flippers and bots are hijacking these releases and alienating the true fan base. It's not Rich I can't handle, it's his "fans".

    -Rich you remember how I told you I was getting better at loving myself? I am, and I'm not letting anything get in my way of loving myself. Trying to collect MVH is/was making into something I didn't like. Would you rather me lie to you and kiss your ass like the rest of these people or be honest? You don't know how it feels to be on the other end of this man, you just don't know. It sucks. If you internalize that frustration as a criticism on you, or how you do things, I don't know what to say it's not about that at all. Lastly, I'll just say it publicly, yes you gave me a gift a while back, a flying freak blank. Does that mean I owe you not to be upset or speak out when I have bad experiences? If it's a gift it's no strings attached correct? Just checking. I don't care if you're "disappointed in me" you're not my Dad. Thanks for the gift. I still feel how I feel. I'll miss your friendship. I won't miss these drops. At all. Peace.....out. (drops mic)
  14. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    He's a collector too, you know...or did you forget that he's a person like the rest of us and not some big corporation out to get you? Look back at his posts about not getting onto the Anraku list

    Stop crying about it, it's really not that hard to get these toys, especially this latest release. I was able to add three different toys to my cart by hand and you can't add a single one? Maybe it's your internet that's the problem?
  15. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    All this drama over toys... Man... :(
    Can we just take a step back for a second and remember that these are pieces of plastic? They can be beautiful, thoughtful, and artfully made, but they're toys. They won't talk to you, they won't ask you how your day went, they won't meet up with you for coffee.
    I have missed so many amazing toys just due to not having money. I don't even have a chance to enter...
    And Rich is just one man, doing all this work himself minus the actual pulling of the sofubi from molds. A man with a wife and kid, trying to sculpt, paint, and release toys when he can.
    Take that step back and remember there are humans behind these entire operations and it's not easy.
  16. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    ^I refreshed and saw all of them there as the clock turned. I tried to add within seconds and got the "already in others carts" for every item. I tried all night, again. So I don't know what is going on. It happens this way every time. I have zero seconds. If it is my internet why does it show them available right when I refresh? I don't know Russ...maybe you're right.

    Doesn't matter anymore. That's for sure...

    @ interloper, you do realize that is my point exactly. I have a life with people who do talk to me and ask me how my day went, who meet me for coffee. That is why I'm not spending my time chasing these toys and getting this upset anymore. I feel great.
  17. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Ah, I see. Because I have a differing, positive and rational opinion, I'm a kiss ass? So many of the rants on here share a brief glimpse of sanity in the form of an "apology", only to end up in the person doubling down and burning it all to the ground. Shame. There needs to be some kind of ranting etiquette thread in the FAQ. Start it with: when it's looking pretty bad, just. do. nothing. Stop. Walk away. Take a week off from this and then come back and see if you're still really as mad as you thought you were. You know, how a grown up would react.

    Oh and by the way, it's very possible to have both a life and a few extra minutes to spend trying to get something for the collection. If a drop interferes with my life, you know what I say? Pass. I'll try for the next one.

    If your toys don't talk to you, well, I don't know what you're doing wrong but boy are you missing out!
  18. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Are you trying to make me do drugs? Because you're making me want to do drugs. :lol:
  19. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Okay so you assume I was talking about you BBB? I had no problem with what you said. I have a problem with people telling me to stop whining and man up and telling me how easy it was just to look good in front of Rich. If I were an artist I'd rather hear the truth than be fluffed up by fan boys all day. At least I said what I really felt. I don't apologize for it.
  20. Russblue11

    Russblue11 S7 Royalty

    I have a problem with you using your son in your sob story.

    "Daddy, did you win this time?"
    "No son, evil toy lord Rich just doesn't want us to be happy?"
    *Son begins sobbing uncontrollably*

    This whole thing is so ridiculous
  21. bbb

    bbb Side Dealer

    Yes, I assumed you were talking about all of us when you used the term "the rest of these people."
  22. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I've said this before, but will say it again. I DONT expect anyone to kiss my ass or edit what they say. All I'm saying is don't get wrapped up and loose it over missed drops. If I'm cool with people it's for sure the collectors who miss and are still cool about it, those people I try to make sure I can help out when I can. If your not acting so nice well I'm gonna distance myself from you, I as well don't need the added stress.

    Quntor, the gift was indeed no string attached, I saw you where having a bad time and wanted to cheer you up. It wasn't something that was a buy off to keep you from speaking out. All I wanted was the respect that maybe before you did lash out maybe take a step back and see it's not the bad. You shouldn't lose sleep, if you miss any makers release move onto the next, collecting shouldn't make you hate life and burn all bridges. And yes I'm a collector as well still and miss out on many drops to, I can't tell you the last time I scored HxS, it's been years and I enter evey lottery so I know the pain. Also what you saying about what's the "truth" is all perspective. Your truth isn't the next mans.

    Let just all move on, because this is redundant and stupid.

    And yes Dave, I'm for sure gonna make a sticker with that saying :lol:
  23. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    My kid just said afterwards, "don't worry dad it's not worth it, we have all weekend together". And indeed we do. I'm off to make pancakes for my little guy. Fuck off russ. He is an important part of the story, because it took a 10 year old to show me what's important in life and it isn't this bullshit. Last I'm saying. Rich thanks for your response, its my fault. Life is so stressful for me right now I'm just not handling shit very well. And you know skullbrain. One false move and....well this happens. Be well man. I'll go away
  24. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Last thing I do want to say to maybe have something positive come out of this. My son's mom has terminal cancer. I have been given post traumatic stress syndrome, but not really believing it. I'm starting to realize this is probably one if my episodes. Cancer affects the people around the survivor, and often they don't get the help they need because they are the healthy one holding it all together. I am obviously starting to wear down pretty significantly. I'm trying really hard to fight against negative thoughts and actions. I lost here.

    Please donate to wingnut's raffle. It's for a great cause and you could win toys. Not a lot of people have stepped up and it's making me sad. Go do it guys. Please.

    I'm sorry.
  25. leili

    leili Toy Prince

    This thread has become ridiculous. Also,

    Let's all celebrate more Doji San!!

    Congratulations to all the people who got something from that drop! My email hasn't been giving me notifications so it completely went under my radar lol.

    edit: thanks dago for helping with the insta tag

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