Need help with a character ID

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by andy, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Can anyone ID this dog character?

  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    I can't help you out Andy, but I sure wouldn't want to run in to this guy in a back alley.

    I am almost tempted to say he could be some kind of Dogtanian character bootleg, but the gun is throwing me off.
  3. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Interesting call on Dogtanian. I was also thrown off by the gun and originally thought this may be some kind of Cyrano de Bergerac riff.

    So, there were some other toys with the same dog dressed in different outfits. The toys weren't too soft, and I'm thinking they may have been made from something like the material used to make vintage Smurfs.

    My guess was maybe something European from the 70s, but I have no idea, and various Google search shots in the dark didn't do the trick.
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    You might want to hit up Rakiko. I took a look in her collections and didn't see this particular guy, but she has a lot of this sort of thing, and is definitely more knowledgeable on these type of character collectables. She might be able to easily identify him for you. I completely agree he has a certain vintage European design look to him.

  5. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    I love Rakiko's collection! So many awesome versions of childhood favorites in there.

    I'm sorry that I can't help either Andy, but I'd be interested in hearing the answer.
  6. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Yep, Rakiko would be the one to ask.

    My guess would be a Dogtanion bootleg judging by its crudeness.
    Dogtanion was very popular in Japan apparently . . . how many musketeer / cavalier dog characters can there be?.
    He has the red hat and the red cloak of Dogtanion . . . also the same bulbous nose (very European) and the big turned-over boots.
    The gun might just be the boot-legger taking creative liberties.

    BUT, I suppose if he's dressed in different outfits then it might just be a coincidence.

    Its weird . . . cuz i just bought a Dogtanion toy (the one far-right in Rakiko's photo) at a boot-sale last week.
  7. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Good suggestion all - I'll check with Rakiko.

    I'm actually trying to find out about this for someone else. It isn't my toy, but I'd like to find out for him if I can.
  8. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Rakiko thinks it might be Deputy Dawg. So that's one possibility.

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