New Exohead figures

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by irsk, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. irsk

    irsk Toy Prince

    Being put out by Skull Toys. Type-S "Marc" and Type-E "Bolan"
    The blue/white one looks nice.

  2. Taro

    Taro Line of Credit

    Totally TRex!!!
  3. Pepperidge Harm

    Pepperidge Harm Toy Prince

  4. Taro

    Taro Line of Credit

  5. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Is that Ted Nugent?
  6. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    I am pretty sure that is Marc Bolan.
  7. Taro

    Taro Line of Credit

  8. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    Bang a Gong! I dig the T Rex thick fuzz on the guitar!
  9. Taro

    Taro Line of Credit

    Looks like Exohead and Skull Toys must dig it too!

    (BAG is good and classic, but I actually like a lot of the other songs on Electric Warrior better... check it out. Ex-Turtles and Mothers of Invention members Howard Kaylan and Mark Volman do the back-up vocals - so tasty!)
  10. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Any word on whether S7 (or any other online retailer) will be carrying these? I heard they drop on the 11th (which was today, technically, I guess) in Japan.

    Oh and, hey all. Been lurking on this forum for a while, and finally had a reason to post.

    EDIT: New pics of Skull Rex and Dokurocks here.
  11. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    On the Skulltoys website, you can see that the dino heads open up at the jaw hinge, and reveals a skull head underneath... very neat.
  12. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast


    welcome brother...

    yes, Flynn confirmed S7 will be getting both the Skulltoys set and the EXOHEAD figs. Won't be for a little while I imagine...

    thanks for the link to the new pics. didn't realize the EXOHEADS flipped up like that. RAD!!!


  13. Chuck

    Chuck Line of Credit

    I didn't know they did that either. That is so rad!!!
  14. daughtersfan18

    daughtersfan18 Toy Prince

    im really liking the clear blue one. i like how the skull head stands out. great color combo
  15. irsk

    irsk Toy Prince

    same. I still have one of the original sculpt so now I'm temted to keep that one and buy this one.
  16. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    6 of each colorway was on sale last night... 6!!
    hope S7 has better luck..
  17. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    :shock: six? that's it??

    uh oh!! :(
  18. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

  19. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Uh-oh, indeed. Time to start selling those unnecessary organs.

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