NYCC was Fucking Great: Ultra-mega-OK Picture Special

Discussion in 'Muton's Minute' started by Mutonismyfriend, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    It really was. A chance to meet loads of East coasters I either don't get to see unless its at SDCC, or I've never met - plus the two Jp vinyl toy meisters Pushead and Hiddy were there - fucking awesome!!!!

    Horrible line = this x 10 on Saturday teh big day:

    TT were there in force, but these Convex Henshin Cyborg protos Hiddy brought along were mind blowing:

    Always a pleasure to see Ed n Ryan:

    Toby, Carl and Bob pray for Pus rockage

    NYCC was rad to meet new folk like Khanate and Krudler:

    as wel as familiar faces form Pus lines gone by:

    excitement began to peak as the Pus cases were revealed:

    and gems like this awesome Bop/Dam combo from nice guy Sutfin appeared:

    Skullbrain godfather Ramos can't stop smiling while in line:

    and lefty looks on:

    HavingMySay in a moment of reflection

    and OH MY GOD this is what you could score during 92 minutes of Pus:

    anddddddddddd we're off; the OG Toypunk himslef Justin looks on as the event begins:

    So, what happened next???? Did anyone over 11 in line score? WTF is a cell camo pirate? Will the unholy Pus Orange be conceived in teh fires of NYCC???? Stay tuned for more.................
  2. BobDuher

    BobDuher Addicted

    Nice Carl......
  3. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    finally! another mutonismyfriend photo story. more!
  4. Arin C.

    Arin C. Line of Credit

    It's almost like being there! again!

    Good times Carl!
  5. cornbluth

    cornbluth Line of Credit

    ah yes...Muton you always come through with the goods!

    now those Convex Henshins...WOWIE WOW WOW.

    any more info on those?
  6. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    it's cool seeing the photos all over again.

    and now that i know who you all are i can actually say hello next time i see you :cry:
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    the convex toys were amazing
  8. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Great thread if I do say so myself.
  9. Vinyl Skin

    Vinyl Skin Toy Prince

    Good thread. If memory serves this is the year I met Muton amidst all the fun with Lefty, Booty Sacks, that Sutfin Bop/Damn clear paint can, and all the other surprises unveiled.
  10. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Booty Sacks. That would make a great name for someone.

    Yeah - this was one of my best ever con experiences. If you look at that first pic I look like shit - I was going thru some bad stuff at the time, and that experience helped.
  11. Vinyl Skin

    Vinyl Skin Toy Prince

    That would totally be a great name for someone. I remember you were in a different place at that time so I'm glad to hear that Pus experience provided some much needed healing. It's always difficult for people outside of our sofubi community to truly understand the euphoric emotions we all encounter at these amazing gatherings and the experiences we all share.
  12. RyanM

    RyanM Toy Prince

    Carl, your hair looked great
  13. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    Wow Carl, I don't remember that photo of us being posted before but we don't look that bad.

    Fun weekend for sure.

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