Official Announcement

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by brianflynn, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Darky

    Darky Line of Credit

    First order of business, please open a store in AU ;P
  2. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.

    I also want to thank Brian and Dora for giving me the job. I haven't looked forward to getting to work since I work at Dolphin Quest (swimming with dolphins) in High School.

    Don't worry, my job isn't to design toys, it is to free up time for the creative types (Brian, Josh, Hiro and Joe) so they can make more cool shit for all of us to swoon over.

    The bad news is Brian has asked me to play nice, the good news is my "holier than thou" attitude is now on display in one of the cases at Super7 and I think it will be a big draw.
  3. eldorado

    eldorado Addicted

    Wow hope this works out well for all you guys!!! Congrats! & Best of Luck!
  4. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Congrats Glenn. They could not have picked a better man for the job. Too bad about the "must play nice" clause. We're going to miss that but hey HMS will just have to work twice as hard and pick up the slack ;)

    Congrats Alex. Put some east coast flava in the S7 mix!! :D
  5. kidclam

    kidclam Mini Boss

    Congrats to both!

    Must be a great place to work at, friendly staff, create with the best toy brands and sell lots of great toys. Superb.

    Would be interesting to work at Hybrid Design on weekdays and Super 7 on weekends :D
  6. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I'm late to the thread but am happy to read the news. Congratulations! Lookin' forward to saying hello to Banned in person. I needed an excuse to stop avoiding the store anyway. "Saving money" is lame. I wouldn't recommend it. :)
  7. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Great news. Congratulations to both of you.
  8. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Stay out of my holdbox.

    Don't propose Ledbetter for S7 Halloween 2008.

    Let me buy any RxH freebies that you don't want.

    Recognize the power of the East coast (right Missy?)

    /end sarcasm
  9. bannedindc

    bannedindc S7 Royalty

    thanks for the kind words as well. I'd also like to thanks Dora and Brian for this opportunity and the general support of the current super 7 staff. Just like Glenn, I get way stoked on my walk to work every morning.

    what can I rules to work at super 7.


    here is a recent photo of glenn and I.
  10. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    I guess that means you're the non-creative person in the camp....hehehe. Just kidding. I'm sure you are your own way. :D

    Does it look like you encased in carbonite? I'm kidding :D...although the carbonite might be kinda cool.

    Gratz Glenn and Alex. At the place where I work, the newest member of the staff gets the "Newbie Brick". It is an actual brick from the house of one of the principals of the company. They started in his garage when the company they worked for closed offices. Unfortunately, whoever has the brick must bring it to every company function.
  11. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    I liked it so much I bought the company..
  12. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    I truly hate my job with an infectiously dark and passionate hate and want to fucking die each and every time my alarm goes off in the morning...!!!

    Congrats to you both...!!!

    Live the dream...!!!
  13. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Brian, please have S7 ship my holdbox.
    I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
    Best as always.
  14. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    Your hold box is not the one I have my eye on.

    I have been trying to turn Brian towards Ledbetter for years. All I have to show for it is a bunch of MARTIN paintings.

    I've never heard of a RxH freebee

    /start sacasam
  15. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Whose hold box was I rooting through tonight? ;)
  16. mister.g

    mister.g Toy Prince

    A big 'high five' to the both of you!!

    It must be great to 'live the dream' - get paid for something you feel so passionately about! Congrats all round.
  17. plover

    plover S7 Royalty

    Congratulations to you both.
  18. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    If it was empty it was mine. :lol:
  19. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Congratulations to both Pogue & Banned...

    Brian is gonna have to put in some space upstairs to fit all the employees!

    Now that you have extra staff in place, there are no excuses not to completely blow everyone away in 2008!!!

    Best wishes to all!

    Sycophantically yours,
  20. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    Hey , dosent Bert work there also?Oh, wait, no.He's just there sooo much it seems like he works there, right? dose he work there? ;) :D
  21. miami

    miami Comment King

    Just saw this news, and big congrats all around! Gotta love the guys who make it all the way from Independent League to the Show. Glenn and Alex, I'll look forward to meeting y'all on one of my semiannual migrations through S7.

  22. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    Well, that pretty much nails the coffin shut on Secret 7 for me. Hasta la vista!

    Glenn is one of the most juvenile, vindictive persons I have ever "met" online.
  23. disgusta

    disgusta Toy Prince

    same here. goodbye s7. more money for coffee.
  24. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Yes...then I wake up and realize I was just
    No...I don't work there. I have a regular 10-7 or 9 or 10 or whenever job. I guess it's pretty bad when Karen says "Aren't you here eveyday?" or "Weren't you here yesterday?" when the only time I'm really there is the weekends. There were a couple of times I'd show up on a weekday but that was when I had to move my car cause of stupid 2hour parking rules in the city. So now I made a deal with my brother. He pays for parking (since the company will pay for part of it) and I'll drive to work.
  25. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    We'll miss you like we miss venereal diseases after the penicillin kicks in.

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