Pink Pearl Chaos question...

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by m3kcomp, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    Hey everybody...

    does anyone actually have one of these yet? I am starting to freak out about the poss. of not getting one of these for my pink collection...and was wondering if anyone knew where apart from S7 these would be showing up?

    I'm on the list...but I'mn sure many are WAAAAY ahead of me...and I need this figure...

    just wondering if anyone has the skinny on this puppy...


  2. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    They seem to be pretty prevalent, and if you're on some sort of preorder list, I doubt you will have much difficulty.

    Ha. Brap on. (Please tell me you get this.)
  3. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Skinny Puppy rules...!!!

    best avant garde industrial musical act that ever hit the scene...!!!

  4. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Coil would have my vote here, Horse Rotorvator alone is a hard album to beat.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey Lorne,

    If you mean the unpainted, they don't drop till Sunday in Japan.
    The painted is a S7 exclusive for the show as far as I know.
  6. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    From what I understand, S7 is indeed getting some.....but the schedule of their arrival is unclear....

    Still waiting on the red Junkspot rub Chaos to show up at S7 too.....and that dropped at Junkspot in mid November I believe.

    So if Alice is correct, and they don't drop in Japan until this might be till like....January for the pearl pink....

    I'm sure Josh will weigh in on this soon...
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Also, Throbbing Gristle.
  8. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    thanks everybody...

    yeah, I know S7 is getting some, but I'm not sure if there will be enough and I DO NOT want to pay a ridiculous price for I just wanted to know if it was already out and if I should buy one if it comes up...

    I like Faust and other "avant-industrial" bands from 70s germany much more than SP and the like...but they can't be ignored...esp. in this thread, huh?

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sold out within SECONDS of reaching the webshop.
  10. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    missed out on these. sucks.
  11. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I don't think Alice meant the S7 webstore, I think the Pop Soda webstore is the one being referred to. I think w/S7 there's still hope.
  12. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    yeah, that's what I meant. was on the look out for the pink from the popsoda shop.
  13. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    But I think S7 will get some unpainted pearl pink Chaos still. Pop Soda just sold out. I hope so at least.
  14. Autodactyl

    Autodactyl Toy Prince

    yeah, I hope they get some in soon. also hoping for the chaos from the show yesterday to pop up.

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