Rampage Toys' Rampage Kudasai Recap

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by trustpigs, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. trustpigs

    trustpigs Fresh Meat

    If you aren't able to make it out to New Paltz (in NY) to see Rampage Toys' first Stateside solo exhibition since he returned to the good ol' U.S., then hopefully this recap will give you an idea of what you missed. Sorry the pics aren't better, but the place was pretty dark…
    itsa_mia and Patrickg2k like this.
  2. quentor

    quentor Addicted

    Wow, thanks so much for sharing! That Gnaw is ravishing.
    trustpigs likes this.
  3. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    It was very dark, but so much fun! The food was Devine, the exclusives top notch, and the owner (a little Japanese lady) sung me the Ultraman theme song!
    trustpigs likes this.
  4. trustpigs

    trustpigs Fresh Meat

    I wish it wasn't so dark, just so the photos would've been a bit clearer… but I hope the feel of the event comes through regardless. And I agree, that Gnaw-X was brilliant. In fact, all the pieces were… It didn't translate in the photos well, but the camo pattern on the Unicorn Tank micros was extremely clean, one of the most pristine in that style I've ever seen.
  5. spatula007

    spatula007 Comment King

    Thanks for sharing! I couldn't make it out to the opening night, but I intend to swing by one day soon.

    How was the food?
  6. trustpigs

    trustpigs Fresh Meat

    It was okay. The noodles proper were quite tasty, but I found the broth and other elements a bit bland for my taste buds.
  7. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    That might have been the lack of MSG. The Kim Chi soup was tasty!
    trustpigs likes this.

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