Resin toys by Zack Soto

Discussion in 'Resonators Romper Room' started by Ghost Attack, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    Hey guys, I just wanted to share some stuff I've been working on. I hesitate to post these here because I know I don't have a huge post count or whatever, but I spend so much time on here lurking & reading the back posts & soaking up as much information as possible, it almost feels weird not to at least throw these up and say "hey I did these." Hope you like them.

    So anyhow, I do a comic called the Secret Voice, and decided that for my first resin casting project, I'd make a troll from my comic. I made up a body & multiple heads & arms so I could make a bunch of varieties of Troll, and started casting them.
    Easter Trolls! by zacksoto, on Flickr

    I tend to jump feet first into stuff & it was probably a bigger project than I should have started with! I realized that after I saw just how much silicone making these molds was taking. I also got a little stumped about exactly how to finish them once I was getting my first pulls. So I went off for a bit and made a mini sized sculpt that would be easy to wrap my head around:
    In Progressin by zacksoto, on Flickr
    STAGE 2: paint layer 1 by zacksoto, on Flickr

    These little guys were fun to make and have their own back story which you can read a comic version of here. I've got some designs for more mini figures I want to make too.

    After I'd made some of those Ghost Grunts, I went back and finished off my first Troll. I'm pretty happy with how everything came out. Painted with Montana Matte spray & Cel-Vinyl paints. The head and one arm are articulated with magnets. He's 6" tall & about 5.5" wide.
    TROLL 01 by zacksoto, on Flickr
    TROLL 01 - chopper by zacksoto, on Flickr

    I definitely learned a lot from making these and obviously I'm still learning. Excited about my next sculpts but also trying to take a bit more time before committing to a mold. I've also got some Homebrew paints coming so I'll be trying out my airbrush on the next few.
  2. computerhair415

    computerhair415 Comment King

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    Great job! For your first time they look awesome. I like all of them, but i really like the troll. I like the crazy big arms. How are the arms and head connected to the body?
  3. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    Thanks! The head & arm are secured w/ rare earth magnets, and the big cyber arm is affixed with epoxy.
  4. Waterbear

    Waterbear Line of Credit

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    Pretty cool stuff. Always interesting to see how someones 2D art translates over to an actual sculpt.

    Any plans for making a "spit golem"? I could see myself trying to snag one of those if it matches the art.
  5. atom gray

    atom gray Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    yeah, these looking really good for your first castings.

    i'm wondering what pigments you are dying the resin with, since the colors don't look at all like standard pigments...?

    nice work!
  6. TrimmTrabb

    TrimmTrabb Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    Those trolls are awesome!
    I'm looking forward to checking out your comic, too. It looks to be right up my alley. :D
  7. Acolorfulmonster

    Acolorfulmonster Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    These look really neat man. reminds me of something... not sure what. Love your artwork too, killer style!
  8. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    Thanks all for the kind words.

    I picked up a sample pack of IGNITE pigments and think they're pretty cool. I don't use a whole lot in each pull, b/c I sort of like more translucent colors. With some of them I was also trying to mimic some swirly stuff like Healey Made does to much better effect. I still haven't gotten that down right yet. The milky purple-y body and heads turned out that way because I didn't properly mix the resin, I think? Filed under "happy accidents."

    Good idea, I didn't even think of that! My next full sized figure I'm working on is a Dr. Galapagos to go with the Trolls, and I have another mini figure I'm working on (this guy) that goes with the storyline of the Ghost Grunts, and then I might try my hand at a Spit Golem.. hm!

    anyways, thanks again for all the rad vibez, I'll post more when I have more.
  9. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    here's some new guys:
    Ghost Grunts round 2 by zacksoto, on Flickr
    Ghost Grunts round 2 by zacksoto, on Flickr
    Elemental Trolls by zacksoto, on Flickr
    Slime Troll by zacksoto, on Flickr
    All of them have some Homebrew paint on them but I covered up a lot of it with Cel-Vinyl, so..
    many more in that Flickr set, from different angles, etc.
    Ghost Grunts #spx2013 releases by zacksoto, on Flickr
    If you're going to the Small Press Expo in Bethesda this weekend, I will be there with all these guys and a ton of comics & art. Come say hi.
  10. ministryofkongz

    ministryofkongz Toy Prince

    Re: two sculpts by Ghost Attack

    They are COOL man!
  11. Ghost Attack

    Ghost Attack Toy Prince

  12. bunnyboy

    bunnyboy Side Dealer

    Not exactly my cup of tea, but that gif is awesome! :lol:

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