Synthpop, Goth, Industrial, EBM, etc.

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Purple Bat, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

    1000 Homo DJs - Supernaut (ministry Cover) Side project by guys from Ministry and others, This was sung by Trent Reznor but he had to deny it as he label didnt approve.

    Just love this cover


    Apoptygma Berzerk - Fade to Black (metallica cover)
  2. danlord

    danlord Addicted

    I remember that, for me was also very disappointment the cancellation, but I was lucky to see Raymond few years after with KMFDM tour

    great bands everybody is posting thanks
  3. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Ahh DrilOne, those posts are totally like my teenage years all over again!


    Hips, Tits, Lips, Power!

    Sisters of Mercy

    Temple of Love '92

    Creaming Jesus

    Temple of Shite [Listen soon, it got an automated copyright complaint after I uploaded it.]
  4. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Picked this up in '79 at the legendary Tower Records in SF because I loved that the band's name referenced Dadaism. Now the song title makes me think of flippers. 8)

  5. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Nag Nag Nag in the Batcave Post!!!

    Yeah, I've always had a bit of a grudge for that toy because of the name. There was another Nag Nag Nag though; a club in mid-2000s London modeled after the old Batcave. In fact, NNN was curated by Jonny Slut (formerly of Specimen) and featured his newest band Atomizer frequently. The old Batcave was curated by Olli Wisdom (formerly/currently of Specimen) and the house band there was Specimen. Surprise, surprise!


    Hooked On Radiation

    Fad Gadget

    Ricky's Hand

    The Normal

    Warm Leatherette


    Frisco Bay

    Virgin Prunes

    Baby Turns Blue


    Kick In the Eye


    Scream Like An Angel


    Beauty Smashed Forever

    Thanks for the tunes and support Dean. :!: :mrgreen: :!:
  6. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

    So who went to clubs in NYC?
    I went to The Bank, Newer Batcave, Mother, Pyramid and few others. Also went to Slimelight in London.

  7. audiodifficulties

    audiodifficulties S7 Royalty

    x inifinty.
    I saw them as a headliner once (I was there for various opening bands), horrid horrid stuff and I swear every fan there was a skinhead. But maybe that was just the cleveland show.
  8. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Time to watch both versions of The Wicker Man again, apparently...


    The Wiccaman


    Sucker for Love

    Rosetta Stone

    Adrenaline [Again]

    Children On Stun

    Tortured by a Sense of Humour
  9. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    ahahaha... definitely not like that at the LA shows. Skinheads are delightfully sparse around here.

    For any LA rivets, Suicide Commando, Aesthetic Perfection, Youth Code (yay!) and more will be playing at the Avalon April 27th. Sounds like a mini festival for 30 bones. Not too shabby!!! And Leaether Strip is touring... awwwww yeah. Gotta go see my boy Claus :twisted:
  10. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Whoo! Leæther Strip!! Here's a very young Claus performing live with musical support by Psychopomps. Yes, he used to look like Vanilla Ice. 8)

    Crash Flight 232

  11. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted


    My Dear

    Noise Box

    Monkey Ass


    Rubber Glove Seduction
  12. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Obviously MBM didn't invent sampling, but to my ears this catchy oldie really put the "manifesto" in Meat Beat Manifesto, with its scintillating use of numerous recognizable samples (e.g. one of the countless remixes of New Order's "Blue Monday," at least two songs from Bowie's "Young Americans" a bit of flute that I think comes from Herbie Mann, the Lost in Space robot, etc.) combined with the declaration "makin' it mine." I wasn't too crazy about most EBM that stemmed from this musical moment, but at the time, gems like this seemed like a brilliant call to arms. Steve Reich's "It's Gonna Rain" and Gavin Bryars' "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet" just weren't danceable. :)

  13. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    great link, Dean. Never heard old MBM, and that was quite a revelation. A few light years ahead from all the mash-up madness that has infiltrated pop culture musically in the last few years.
  14. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Jack Dangers has so much funk that he needs his own shipping company to move it!

    "A Shangri-La in the Desert With Cuddly Tiger" from Forbidden Planet Explored

    "Musica Classica" from At the Center



    Many Machines

    Industrial Heads


    Little Flipper
  15. Dr Dave

    Dr Dave Fresh Meat

    Couldn't really find a better place to post this and figured if anyone might find this interesting like I did, they'd probably be in this thread.

    I'd never heard this story before (not a huge boxing fan) but I am really into MMA fighting and love everything about the concept of walkout songs, so this totally made my week and is now my all-time favorite sports story (maybe only 2nd to Doc Ellis's no-no)...

    Anyone like me growing up in the 80s and 90s had to at least have a passing curiosity/interest in the freakshow/phenomenon that is Mike Tyson and if you're a Coil fan as well, then, get ready to have a big ole grin pasted across your face!
  16. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    I saw this the other day. I know there is a lot of people questioning if it's actually a coil song, or if it's just something whipped up for the walk out music. The person writing the article seems confident, but I can't find any confirmed references or exact song IDs. I would really hope it's actually coil, but would love to know for sure.
    Regardless, it's great that he picked that to walk out to.
    I'm am a fight fan, but would never consider walking into a ring in a million years... that said, I've thought about what spooky walkout music I would use... ha ha. :oops: Nerdy I know...
  17. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    I'm deep into the new Royksopp EP. Best norwegian release this month on top of Mayhem, Den Saakaldte and close second Burzum :D

  18. Dr Dave

    Dr Dave Fresh Meat

    Yeah, I couldn't tell for sure either, but definitely great if it is.

    I'm with you 100% on walking into a ring - those guys are full-on nuts, but it's pretty great some of the weird shit they walk out to sometimes. You see a few weeks ago, that free Fight Night in Germany when that Swede, Niklas Backstrom, walked out to Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car"??!! What a freak! (and then pulls off a totally rad sub win!)... unless Tracy Chapman is really popular in Sweden or something, then maybe it's less of a big deal.

    And I bet more fans than you think have fantasized about what their walkout songs would be. Me and my fight fan friends actually put together a mix compilation where we took turns picking fantasy walkout songs!
  19. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    This would be my pick:

    It's funny, the more I listen to that Mike Tyson walk in music the more I'm sure I've heard it. Lots of people say it's a coil track that came out years and years after the fight (it's clearly wrong), and there are a few really close guesses of SPK etc., but nothing is bang on. The rhythm is quite distinct in that track, and none of the suggestions fit.
  20. DrilOne

    DrilOne Comment King

  21. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    Ahh! I need to sit in this thread all day and just rant about why I love Wolfsheim!!!
  22. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

  23. love&poison

    love&poison Toy Prince

    Wolfsheim is fantastic...Once In A Lifetime is a banger...Covenant's "Dead Stars" rules too.

  24. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    ^ Loved that !

    Does Outrun classified as synthpop ?

  25. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    Embedding the Tyson v Spinks video for easy access:

    It just doesn't seem like Coil to me, but then it could be one of the many outtakes from the Rotorvator - Scatology era, which are similar to that sound. On the other hand it reminds me of...

    Der Eisenrost/Chu Ishikawa


    Nefasth, to your entire post, the answer is yes. Very interesting stuff my friend!

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