Thank you!

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by brianflynn, May 15, 2011.

  1. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    Thanks for everyone who came out, bought a bag, or otherwise supported us last night, today, or anytime in the last ten years! It's been great fun. and I hope we have more years to come!

  2. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    You threw one hell of a party man!!! Thank you and thanks to everyone who had a hand in last nights festivities!!!!
  3. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Thank you! It was a lot of fun.

    Here's to 10 more years!
  4. wingnut0

    wingnut0 Post Pimp

    I've said it before amd I'll say it again. It looks like everyone had a great time last night and I can't wait for my lucky bag to show up on the mail!

    Congrats on 10 years super7!
  5. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Congrats on the 10 year mark Brian!
  6. wtfunks

    wtfunks Comment King

    happy 10th! 3 more years til you are a teen!
  7. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    Ahh to be young again... It's funny that business is the one area where getting older is welcomed... If anyone deserves to become old men it's Super7... Now when are we going to see some grand children in my neck of the woods?
  8. computerhair415

    computerhair415 Comment King

    Great party last night. I had a great time! To :D many more years to come!
  9. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    thank you, brian!!!
    awesome store, toys, events, people!
    and big thanks for another zombie!
    was hoping for a glow release!
  10. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    No sir, thank you! I couldn't grab a bag but I hope you all had a happy B-day.
  11. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Thank you for a fun evening! It was also nice to talk to you and get the stories first hand about what vintage buying was like in the early days! Thank you for being such a wonderful resource for Kaiju and for the Boards. Here's to many many more years of success and fun to come :razz:
  12. DeJesus

    DeJesus Line of Credit

    thank you brian! can't wait to see what's in store for the next 10 years
  13. alifeintoys

    alifeintoys Side Dealer

    belated best wishes from berlin too. congrats!
    you guys rock!!!
    keep it up & make me happy with a super7 zagoran every few years.
    ...for the 15 th anniversary i promise to come over. ;)
  14. MattyBoomBatty

    MattyBoomBatty Addicted

    Woo, we need a S7 here in OZ man.
    10 years of fun!
  15. stealthtank

    stealthtank Post Pimp

    Happy Birthday Super7!

    Here's to another 10 years of pure awesomeness!!!

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