The Choe Show

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by topher, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. topher

    topher Addicted

    I made it. I'm in Korea town awaiting the show.

    I realized I've opened myself to ridicule and I understand the sentiment.

    I just want to truly thank those here that helped me reach my goal, I'm hooking all of you up! I'll also be happy to let whoever know whatever info I can afterwards.

    Thanks guys !!

    On a side note I'm now getting my first shower since boarding a train Tuesday then walking 7-8 miles across LA lol! Rank!
  2. topher

    topher Addicted

    Did you go??
  3. topher

    topher Addicted

    It was incredible.

    What he's done/doing is really special.

    The mystery the anxiety, choosing people for specific reasons and implementing the knowledge into the show.

    Mindblowing personal elements.

    Double Mindblowing venue!

    So much more that I can't even process or articulate without crossing lines.

    And not to mention all the incredible art.

    Andy you poor sap, I think you may need the Choe Show more than anyone!

    He fucking smashed it, I'm 100% glad I've come across the country just to turn around tomorrow and go home.

    I really don't care if any of that sounds corny or whatever, it's true in my eyes.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  4. leili

    leili Toy Prince

    I agree. It was an amazing experience and my only issue is that not everyone is able to experience it.

    Remember to share : o)
    topher likes this.
  5. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Now I'm kind of pissed I didn't atleast put in an application.
  6. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    My family weekend in London and shits & giggles with all the kids seemed kinda awesome from where I was sitting, and I didn't have to chase a handout to finance it! . . . go figure!

    (poor sap?)
  7. topher

    topher Addicted

    You " fuckin dispair" in traveling to see an art show and call Choes work "half-assed" so i say you're a poor sap.

    I think you have to try and crush anyone being excited for almost anything and i feel that's sad.

    Glad you had a nice time w the fam :thumbsup: Do you have to be such a drama queen?
  8. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Hey did anyone break the NDA on this? I'm morbidly curious.
  9. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Did Topher really get to keep the Chocolate factory?
    straightoutta..LOKASH likes this.

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