The "What you just got in the Mail" Thread

Discussion in 'Show Your Collection' started by DeJesus, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. FLTodd

    FLTodd Toy Prince

    Thanks to two different SB members, these two guys arrived today. Thanks!
    Now I just need to track down the Magenta Massacre.
  2. olivemartini007

    olivemartini007 Toy Prince

    What is this figure???????
  3. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    That's "Chicken Fever," one of the original fight figures. Made by Sinbad Toys. The edition in the picture is one of a pair released in collaboration with Super7, black and orange being the original S7-associated colors. The S7 pair remain the easiest of the Chicken Fevers to find on the aftermarket.

  4. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty


    This HP pollard arrived from Flopdoodle today.
    That's not a purple shadow on the crease of his lips, that's some of TB's subtle paintjob.
  5. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    Always though Pollards looked like this
  6. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Biff the head on that pollard is really awesome. Here is what I got from flopdoodle today. My pockets seem to have a hole in them. :)

    Really wish the metallic spots showed up better on this pic. Blue, purple, and copper. Wow!
  7. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    diggin' that paint job on the Pollard, Biff.
  8. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    Yeah, it's hard to capture the subtle paintwork w/ a camera. I almost did not get mine, but I 'mentally interpolated' the photo posted on Flopdoodle. Glad I did cuz i was right!
  9. six7777

    six7777 Addicted

    :shock: cool
  10. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Some goodies arrived in the mail recently (unfortunately they forgot to ship one item!)
    Yonezawa windup toy!

    Spiffy vintage box is still intact


    The paint on the toy looks as if painted yesterday. The blue paint has an amazing blue metallic sheen (couldn’t capture it in the pic). I didn’t think vintage toys had metallic paint? Still “breathes” fire too (those are Hubby’s pudgy fingers :) )

    and, this blue friction toy on wheelies
    The mini “pup” is so cute! I can’t tell who the maker is. It was listed as “Hakka Oyako”. Does anyone know if it is a Yonezawa as well? I didn’t see the “Y-leaf” logo.
  11. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Wow- those look great! I can't believe the sparking mechanism still works.
  12. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Yes! I was just as surprised Daniel! :shock:
    He looks like he's never been played with--his key is still shiny! :razz:
    The Blue guy has lost his sparkies :( . Still a lovely figure in blue and plum :razz:
    Do you by chance happen to know when these were made? They are very striking.
  13. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I've seen an old toy ad with the sparking Gomera- web page said the ad date was April 1971. It was sold alongside the other Yonezawa vinyls ("Rokuron," Saidon, Gamegon, Dabura).
  14. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    Those are definitely way cool.
    And have to agree w/ you on the paint.
    I'm tempted to pick up some to add to my other Yonezawas.
  15. Dean

    Dean Prototype



  16. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Ohhh! You've got the green one! :shock:
    Is the character a wombat then? That would make sense, since they are marsupials?
    Can anyone identify the manufacturer? Thanks for posting the box Dean, and congrats on your adoption :razz:
  17. Future_Man

    Future_Man Post Pimp

    I love all of the color apps on these wind-ups. Thanks for sharing!
  18. jerzy777

    jerzy777 Toy Prince

    The best week for me ever in toys... :D

    Smotemotem likes this.
  19. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Those friction toys are way too fucking good! Love em love em love em.
  20. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Great stuff. Camo Zag and Thrash Out Gargantuans! I just moved mine (gargantuans) to the front of their shelf. Those colors are the best combos ever.
  21. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    I just wanna say that my very first Larvagon is a FUCKING MASTERPIECE...!!!!!!!!!!!

    Velocitron vs RedYoda & Velocitron vs Monstock

    HELL YEAH'...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










  22. selekta_nips

    selekta_nips Post Pimp

    nice one mike
    those redyoda header are awesome
  23. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    No, sorry I gave the wrong impression. While I can't read Japanese and thus can't confirm it, I suspect the toy is made by Wombat because there's a photo of it at their site, along with the trading card drawing that it seems to be based on, but I'm not sure. The photos I posted are from the Wombat site.
  24. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Dean- I'm pretty sure this is a vintage toy. "Hakka Oyako" [Kaiju] means "Firing Parent-and-Child" Kaiju. Oyako like Oyako-donburi. ;P

    Wombat seems to just be exhibiting it on its page (page link for convenience):
  25. REdYOdA

    REdYOdA Comment King

    Awesome Mike! I'm so happy that you like them!!!
    I had a lot of fun doing those guys!

    Pretty well traveled toys...SF-Tokyo-Tampa 8)

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