Tokusatsu GaGaGa

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by ultrakaiju, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Anyone seen this show? I don't know where it might be available for audiences outside of Japan, but it is currently broadcasting on NHK. As I haven't seen it myself, I can't speak to its quality (or content, really), but at least the premise seems really promising. A young girl grows up with, but never grows out of, her love for excellent tokusatsu shows - something many of us here can probably relate to. She (26-year-old office worker Kano Nakamura) spends her nights surrounded by toys of said shows (here modeled by Juushowan, a fictional sentai/metal-hero type show), and obsessing over them in secret, not to mention pouring her heard-earned money into this fandom. Again, all things some of us can probably relate to on one level or another. I just read now it is based off an original comedy seinen manga by Niwa Tanba. Anyhow, might be worth a watch.

    The youtube trailer is sort of not quite what I was hoping for, but I'd still go into it with an open mind.

    Tokusatsu GaGaGa [トクサツガガガ]
    Official Website

    where I think it might be potentially streamable, at least in Japan

    And a hat tip to the original article from iO9 which hepped me to the existence of this show.
  2. GoldenArmKid

    GoldenArmKid Line of Credit

    I'm 99.9% sure this is currently being fansubbed, I'll report back once I figure out who/where is releasing. Added to the watch list for sure!
    ultrakaiju likes this.
  3. XVivaHateX

    XVivaHateX Addicted

    Kerk1 and ultrakaiju like this.

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