Unknown Toho character

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by nekrodave, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. nekrodave

    nekrodave Fresh Meat

    Can anyone identify this guy?

  2. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Black Hole Aliens from "Terror of MechaGodzilla".
  3. nekrodave

    nekrodave Fresh Meat

    Thanks, brother! You've not only helped me help someone else, but you've shamed Sanjeev in the process! ;)
  4. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

  5. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Damn you all to hell.

    (I'm just bitter I didn't realize who it was first...I'm shamed, but Dave has agreed to be my kaishaku as I commit seppuku!)
  6. Monkey

    Monkey Line of Credit

    LOL!! It's not everyday that someone volunteers to be someones second on a message board when they can't name a Japanese monster movie alien!
  7. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Hey....these are serious business. One screw up and it's all over!
  8. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    The salt in the wound is that I was pulling out shit like Invasion of the Neptune Men, trying to figure this out with Dave...and in the end...it was the fucking Black Hole goons from one of my all-time favorite Toho movies...starring my favorite kaiju of all time--Mecha G.

    I ain't gonna hear the end of this'un...
  9. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    When are we going to put a stop to this geek on geek harassment?
  10. Shirahama

    Shirahama Side Dealer

    Fuckin geeks.
  11. nekrodave

    nekrodave Fresh Meat

    Sanjeev is wrong again. I never promised to be his kaishaku. I only promised to kick him in the balls. I think he just prefers the beheading!

    And this thread vindicates my collecting style of "disinterested fanaticism". See, nobody gives ME crap for not knowing the answer, because I don't give a fuck about knowing all that trivia. Only when you care, do people expect you to know... :mrgreen:
  12. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Could be you've just set the benchmark for expectations of you SO low...

    We're just impressed you're able to type out coherent sentences on the keyboard, Dave. :lol:
  13. atease

    atease Super Deformed

    very impressive given the talent around these days....

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