vintage vinyl

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Pogue, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I look through the YJA listing eveyday and I see vintage Kaiju and it always looks faded and worn out. Is this becasue the toys were played with or is this the fate of all vinyl toys over time? Will my SB and RxH fight figures still "pop" with color in 20 years?
  2. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    What are you considering vintage? I've recently purchased a GID Daimon, the header card was dated 1997 ('98?) it looks brand new.
  3. Frsh.nss

    Frsh.nss Addicted

    vintage = from the 70s
  4. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I am thinking 20+ years. If 1997 is considered vintage then I am an antique.
  5. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    That's from all the sandbox dancing.

    You SB will look good in many years.

    Abeit, clear will yellow, nothing can be done about that.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would think it will depend alot on the amount care given to the toys.Things such as Cigarette Smoke and Sunlight are going to be hard on them over time.I don't know how temperature will play into it over a 20 year span but I live in a hot and very humid place I would think that will factor in at some point.
  7. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    My clear obake is already yellow. I am happy to hear that the paint won't yellow over time.

    Please sign in guest poster.
  8. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Oops, bad math. I was actually thinking 20+ years or so
  9. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    We are wary of guests........
  10. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Many of my vintage (1972 to 1976) Henshin Cyborg pieces look shiny and new like they just left the toy store shelf! In fact they look better, and stand better, than the henshin repros of the last 3 years!
  11. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Newer clear vinyl most defintely yellows. The first wave clear Mutant Head has the most exceptional crystal clear vinyl, but it is definitely yellow compared to a newer one I have.

    One thing I should add, is that the vinyl outer head on the vintage henshin cyborgs in some cases does totally yellow...almost brown in extreme cases and goes brittle. Definitely sunlight to do with that one I think. I imagine if u r careless the same fate may befall a newer traesured item, but on the plus side, if u r careful it may never happen.
  12. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    I think it will be nice, IF WE MAKE IT THAT FAR to enjoy it when our nice toys look vintage.
  13. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    toys age just fine, the faded figures are exactly that, faded. Also, many are lighter colors of vinyl that have a matte finish, making them appear a little less "bright" but actually in perfect shape.
  14. Mutonismyfriend

    Mutonismyfriend Die-Cast

    Brian, the clear Henshin Cyborg outer heads don't age well at all. I have quite a few that are almost an orangey brown, and the same goes for the Cybo-Jaguar heads as well. They are no longer squishy amd malleable, but hard. Same goes for the UK versions, which were manuafactured in HK as opposed to Japan.

    I also have some that look pretty good as well, so there is definitely long term hope.

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