Visighost question

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by ARB, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    Hi there,

    When in Tokyo last week I bought this clear Visighost.
    I was wondering if the stuffing is originally done by S7 or the previous owner.


  2. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    pretty positive that is not super7s doing
  3. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    I concur. Must be the previous owner.
  4. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    Thanks for your help!!!
  5. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    I think they were lucky bag releases, so beads might have made them heavier and more easily identifiable...
  6. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    In that case it was done by S7....
    Let's hope member of staff remembers and replies.
    Thanks "Petite"!
  7. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    petite meant that they wouldn't of had placed beads in them because people woulda known it was in the bag, ruining the surprise
  8. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    Ohhh okay.
    Thanks Lalo.
  9. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    Yup, we did not release these with beads inside, looks like a custom creation. Nice pick-up!
  10. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    Thanks Joshua! :D
  11. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    those are probably 6mm airsoft bbs, in case you want to fill it even more.
  12. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    Thanks Bert, but I'd rather fill it GID bbs.
  13. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    They make those as well. I've seen the regular green and red/orange glow bbs (sometimes called tracers). If you do find some, buy at least the .20g bbs. They are more opaque.
  14. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    It's interesting that its only partially filled, I would think they would at least have filled up to the neck

    I find that these work great!

  15. ARB

    ARB Addicted

    But the truth will never be known...

    I know these Crossman's. ;)

    Thanks to you too!

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