Wall of Headers

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by coma21, Mar 13, 2022.

  1. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    So I posted this up on IG but figured it could get better explained and seen by those missing it on IG here as well.
    I bought my new house back in May 2021 it had an aux building outside that I told Lena I was going to make into a proper studio space. I usually paint all the Kvltvs Releases myself and plan to paint most of the Hooligan City stuff as well. So with that in mind I started work on my studio.
    The main focal point I wanted to make was a wall of header cards that was like a piece of toy history so it hopefully would end up having a large group of makers on there (myself included to some degree). It took me two weeks and was a labor of love I took on while painting the last Bolzer release I just did but now it’s complete so here are some pics of the wall.
  2. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Looks fucking rad Mikee! How’s you stick them up? Staples?
  3. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    The newer headers for American makers feel like blankets. They’re huge.
  4. Grindingmachete

    Grindingmachete Toy Prince

    This is so great! And the releases span from “firsts” to “lasts/ latests” great look! Wish I had some of those headers myself but they’d just sit in a box til I could figure out what to do!
  5. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    This is fun! If I did this with my header cards, though, they'd all be pretty homogenous.
    gatiio and hellopike like this.
  6. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    A fuck ton of glue. I tried wheat pasting it first and that shit was a no go so we went for mod Podge and that seemed to do it. Getting them to hold was a pain so u used thumbtacks but they absolutely destroyed my fingers getting them out over and over again.
    I think now you know what to do. I know some people also make scrap books for them I have all of my non dupe Pushead headers in a book.
    I for sure had to work very hard not to do any duplicates and I think I slipped up maybe 3-4 times if you really look. I still have some headers left for if I expand it but overall doing one wall and trying to make sure it was as diverse as it could be with size and space constraints was a challenge but there’s even a vinyl junkies header up there so I think I did ok keeping it well rounded even if admittedly PK Splurrt and MVH are the most represented
  7. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Very cool.Probably the best reason to keep headers. I've always appreciated the indy makers and their art.
    coma21 likes this.
  8. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Very cool idea, Mikee, and definitely looks impressive. Personal opinion: Might be in the piles you still have left, but definitely needs at least some classic vintage rep through Marusan/Bullmark/M1. :razz: Might be missing Buta too, as another notable immediate standout, but I am coming at it from a different place than most, likely, haha. Nice to see so much from the variety of different soft vinyl companies out there. Great work, and I am sure the space is inspiring and relaxing now.
    gatiio likes this.
  9. gatiio

    gatiio Post Pimp

    @ultrakaiju thats a good point. I was thinking of the overly American rep in this monument, I guess we would all have a very personal end result as well. Is any header older than 10-15yrs here? bc then you have a neo kaiju wall of sorts.

    Which means you now can start on the vintage wall. The hobby that keeps on giving! :razz:
    coma21 likes this.
  10. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    So fun fact a lot of those headers are made in straight cardboard and are a pain to glue down. I have an archway over the door I plan on doing but I am waiting to figure out the best options like a better mix of new and old. It’s very much a neo Sofubi wall. But for me it’s about showing love to the people that inspired me to make the stuff I do. The cases in the studio have all the stuff I’ve made as well as my CK collection and a big catch all of American toys I love so it’s really a room meant to help me stay motivated while I listen to Terrible music and paint toys.
  11. Mr Fox

    Mr Fox Addicted

    The header wall aside, which looks superb, I am loving the Santa Cruz rug.

    I've got a decent stash of decks that I am waiting to put up on the wall - just need the space - so that carpet deck caught my eye :thumbsup:
    coma21 likes this.
  12. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    You’ll never get back the money you spent on those without having the header card when you sell them. Duh…
  13. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I snagged it from a skate shop awhile back I also have a bunch of decks I need to put up
    Mr Fox likes this.

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