we have a new winner...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by futureplastik, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. futureplastik

    futureplastik Toy Prince

    he has beard, he is english....BUT this is the BEST english tune in awhile (ps buy the 7" on lex records cos repertive generic music loops at the end).....enjoy..

  2. bansheebot

    bansheebot Super Deformed

    Man, I remember when Lexoleum started way back when with Disflex6. I didn't know they were putting out stuff like this now, or that Fog and Boom Bip were both releasing stuff on that label. Must look into this.
  3. jawkdna

    jawkdna Addicted

    I think I back it...
  4. futureplastik

    futureplastik Toy Prince

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