wild hog alert!

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by tavaro, May 25, 2007.

  1. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

  2. The Burger Lord

    The Burger Lord Toy Prince

    Hahahaha, that's pretty awesome. This line makes me laugh though...

    "If the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004."
  3. hornet

    hornet Fresh Meat

    I think my 'big break' has finally arrived :lol:

    Jamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in "The Legend of Hogzilla," a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia.
  4. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    I fucking love this picture:

  5. The Burger Lord

    The Burger Lord Toy Prince

    Yeah me too..... that's one big 11 year old
  6. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    was he hunting in the fire swamp or something?

    Am I the only one worried that two mutant size pigs have suddenly shown up in the last couple of years?

    can you still call them baby back ribs?

    so many questions...
  7. Dean

    Dean Prototype

  8. hornet

    hornet Fresh Meat

    So, if that is a .50 cal revolver then it must be a S&W 500. I shot one of those once and it kicked me back about 3 feet. I am 6' 225lbs. He would have to be a 'heII of a big 11 year old' to shot that thing 5 or 6 times.
  9. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    fire swamps!! PB style no doubt.

    ROUS - rodents of unusial size. "I dont think they exist"

  10. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    "It feels really good," Jamison, of Pickensville, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big."

    Hahaha ... scary-ass kid.
  11. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    That sucks they just let that kid shoot the thing over and over again for 3 hours while they stood there with high powered rifles, what the fuck is that, if you're going to kill it at least kill it quickly.

    Poor monster pig.
  12. Laffin Lapin

    Laffin Lapin Addicted

    So are they going to eat it or what? That thing is probably full of prions.

    No kidding. Accomplishment my ass.[/url]
  13. Frank Kozik

    Frank Kozik Mini Boss

    I say more Hogosaurs! Giant herds that cover the horizon.
  14. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    I agree. I wasn't totally kidding when I said "scary kid." Dude was taught to start killing wild animals at the age of 5. Unless there's an ecosystem-damaging animal population explosion, a threatening situation, or an actual need to hunt for food, what's the point of dogging a wild beast in its habitat for three hours for no better reason than to kill? I'm not 100% against hunting as a sport but I won't do it myself even though some of my family members do. I don't see what's "good" about teaching a child to kill for no better reason, but then, I wasn't raised in Dixie.

    Let monsters live!
  15. tavaro

    tavaro S7 Royalty

    For the same reason every one jumps on a "oops deleted" post around here.

    cause they feel safe behind there guns (computers) and THEY CAN!!!

    human nature to kill anything that we dont understand is a I FART A LOT. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  16. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I've always had an EXTREME urge to learn to hunt/skin/prepare an animal. Not because I want to kill, but the knowledge of survival as a whole outside our cozy world interests me. What if the world ends and ya gotta know right? I dunno, whatever though. It's both sad and cool to me. Sad because it was the biggest and I bet much of it goes to waste (if you kill it, use it, ALL of it), Cool cause I know when I was 11 if I shot a big ass hog, I'd freak! You think they give kids guns in the south at a young age, grow up in the inner city. ;)

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    I got my first real gun when I was 5. That's how it's done there (or used to be). Now I don't own any.
  18. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Yeah, that makes sense. I've thought a lot about how out of touch Americans are with where their food comes from, and wonder what it would be like if I had to hunt and prepare my own food from kill to table. I didn't mean to go on a total PETA rant there ... I just can't help but feel bad for the smarter beasts when they get killed for sport. Plus, ya know ... kaiju collectors tend to sympathize with monsters. :)
  19. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    The "Nuge" hunts and kills all his own food. Than again, he's the "Nuge"

    DYBBUKIM Post Pimp

    Your not talking about Ted Nuget, are you? Tell me your not really Geo in disguise all these past few month, huh???
  21. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nope, just a sad victim of Cat Scratch Fever.
  22. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Nuge was in SF not too long ago. He was hanging out in front of Neiman-Marcus, protesting the anti-fur protesters.
  23. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    I agree that the hunt for this thing seems needlessly drawn out, but these wild hogs need to be eradicated whenever they're found. They're a real threat to native wildlife, and sometimes people.
  24. hornet

    hornet Fresh Meat

  25. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    wow, that's a lot of hate....

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