World War Kaiju graphic novel...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by boon velvet, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    The "World War Kaiju" GN is one of many current Kickstarter projects. And actually hopes to offer Much More, including a Drinking Game and even "Bullmark-style" :lol: Toys.

    I'm a fan of helping self-starters (like so many of us are), Especially "kaiju" related projects, BUT I honestly can't say whether or not I'm going to participate in this one... On one-hand, it's kind of ridiculous just how generic the monsters, etc. are. Even "Bullmark-style" being used to describe soft vinyl toys really irks me... But then on the other hand, I'm glad they're doing something like this and along with their ambition, I think that as it grows, it may bring more maturity with it, in which case, I'd be VERY interested to see that.

    What're Skullbrain's thoughts?

    Go Here :
  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Ugh. I didn't see a single thing there I liked. I fear this might just be the first drop in a torrent of kaijuuz-themed stuff we are going to see with PR coming out. Art that doesn't interest me, terrible 'creature' design (seriously what age group is this marketed at ?), a drinking game (?!), bad graphic design.... meh, I won't attack them, but it really isn't for me.

    BUT, having the word "Japs" twice in the first two pages of your comic? Give me a break. :evil: I would have said more power to them for this project, it just doesn't happen to appeal to me, but honestly take that shit somewhere else.

    Just so many things wrong with this, but this sums it up pretty well,
    How is that exactly? These are just typical monsters drawn in a realistic fashion. Kaiju doesn't mean anything about rubber suits, and they sure aren't reflected here. And this is not a tribute to the creativity of those people or their work, in fact it's marginally related if at all - in the same way that Paranormal Activity is a tribute to Poe. Just....argh.

    I don't see anything here other than a terrible 'tribute' to someone who grew up in the 90s.
  3. Ultra999

    Ultra999 Post Pimp

  4. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    If it was any good, it wouldn't need need financial kick to get started, ugh !

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