Yamomark Interview

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by onwi, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. TULKU

    TULKU Addicted

    Fantastic interview , I found it Googling last month and now just found it again here on the board. Just beautiful. Please keep up the good work.
  2. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

  3. Brooklyn_Vinyl

    Brooklyn_Vinyl Line of Credit

    Great read, thanks for bringing this back around for those of us who missed the first pass.
    AgentRavage and hellointerloper like this.
  4. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Definitely my (current) favorite toy maker. Just love how much a labor of love his work is.
    doomboy and AgentRavage like this.
  5. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    I really enjoyed this glimpse into the mind of one of my favorite makers!
    doomboy likes this.
  6. doomboy

    doomboy Addicted

    Yamomarks blog is really fun too,the back stories to his characters are totally deranged..
    "One day a huge head was flying in Tokyo and began to eat humans."
  7. AgentRavage

    AgentRavage Addicted

    That's where I learn the most about their back stories. I love how imaginative they are.

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