you can be a weiner at the game of poop

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by sbbenhcs, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

  2. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Best game EVER !
  3. ted kopper

    ted kopper Side Dealer

    LOL is this real? it has to be a parody or something, can totally see something like this on MadTV
  4. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    oh, it's real. goliath toys, makers of fine children's games like "pop the pig."
    you can go to their website and see it in the scrolling banners, but if you're
    in the united states section, it goes to a different game, "mad mouse."

    here's a link to their german portal, where you can play an animated flash
    game, scooping flying yellow poop out of the air.

    fcuk. me. running.
  5. Leecifer

    Leecifer Side Dealer

    I want a weiner dog that rocket poops yellow banana dung and does back flips!!
    I think I know what my sister-n-law is getting for X-mas!

    MILTRON Toy Prince

    Phoochee caca..... :?

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