You Going???

Discussion in 'Super7 Showroom' started by BEYOND, Nov 27, 2007.


You Coming???

Poll closed Dec 2, 2007.
  1. Hell Yes!!!

    0 vote(s)

    0 vote(s)
  3. I want to but ________(fill in the banks)

    0 vote(s)

    BEYOND Comment King

    Just wanttd to see how many skullbrainers are coming to the show in like 2weeks???

    I am just getting that "scared as fuck" feeling but at the same time want to meet alot of the SBers then. I may not be good at names so I'm gonna have to take a pic of you and note it down for me to remember..........
  2. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Everything looks on track for me coming. I cannot wait!
  3. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    I want to but I'm too cheap to fly cross country and stay in a hotel.
    Would rather spend that money on other figures.
  4. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    I want to, but it's the same night as my wife's first corporate holiday party in San Jose. I want her to go because it's good for her to network with her co-workers in less of a "work" environment, and I want to meet all the people she's been talking about the past few months.

    She's convinced that we can go to both the show and the party, but I figure it'll be nuts in S7. Since I'm not much of a RxH collector, I'd be more interested in seeing the people coming from all around the country (world?) for the show, and just to see the entire RxH collection on hand in one place.

    I'm figuring it'll be about 50/50 whether I make it up or not... :D

    ps. do we know if Mori will be in attendance?
  5. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    o hail yeah

    ...although I'll have to visit a few times after the party to actually be able to see anything LOL...
  6. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    If she says you can make both, I'd try to go to S7 first so you can at least get something from the show (unless the wife is holding the money that night...hehehe). Last I heard, Mori is way too busy...and that was from Hiro a few days ago. Still, you never know.
  7. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    I want to but 2,500 miles of ocean say otherwise.

    I will settle for the always-excellent event photos from board members.
  8. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    I want to but the wife said no.
  9. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    I wanted to but I ended up buying a puppy that I fell in love with. That and work sucks :(
  10. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    Fuck yeah, you know at least one loco has to represent.
  11. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    I want to, but I live on the East Coast and can't afford the pricey flight and hotel around the holidays.
  12. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    So if Mori isn't going to be there how's it going to work?
  13. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    He ships stuff out, the store displays it, and we all stand there...staring at all the stuff we can't afford or ever own and we cry a little...inside. Hiro will be there, hiding in the back somewhere, but he will be there.
  14. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I will be there to point out all the stuff Flynn is missing.
  15. ikkashinju

    ikkashinju Comment King

    Yes Hiro,I will be there. Not that far but coming from San Diego and requesting some days off from work will be worth it.
    Is Mori going to be there or not? Any info would be appreciated!!!
  16. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    Missing? I thought the two of you already owned enough stock in RxH to dictate the color of Mori's headbands!?

    (kidding of course)
  17. AHart

    AHart Toy Prince

    Is there any pics of Flynns rxh collection?....sorry to get off topic.
  18. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    there will be after the show
  19. AHart

    AHart Toy Prince

    so i have to wait! :D ....thanks
  20. mangakaben

    mangakaben Comment King

    Hopefully I won't have too work all nite! I'll be in SF too! Damn, so close yet so far away.... :?
  21. AHart

    AHart Toy Prince

    everyone needs to take a shit load of pics!
  22. BEYOND

    BEYOND Comment King

    I think I posted this info before, but unfortunately Mori cannot make it to the show. He's in a really tight schedule. He actually pushed all his other work for the show and now he's in a pile of near deadline work. He is really sorry for it, but he is thinking of making a trip down to SF hopefully next year. Well, he wants to.

  23. Dean

    Dean Prototype

    hiro I can appreciate that you're nervous, but this is such a cool thing and you've got so many SB'ers rooting for ya! It's going to be great!
  24. ikkashinju

    ikkashinju Comment King

    Thank you,Hiro!!!
  25. Hank

    Hank Mini Boss

    Slightly off topic.....perhaps we'll see the Mook at the show? 8)

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