I have Cancer.

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Mecha, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    To my friends,
    I found out last month that I have cancer in my R tonsil and in 2 of my Right Lymph nodes. I've been vocal about it over on my FB page, so some select skullbrainers that are my friends, are already aware of my situation.

    I basically wound up with the virus that causes HPV, but in my neck, not my pelvic region, and was diagnosed with Squamous cell Carcinoma. The doctors tell me alot of people are walking around with HPV and don't even know it.

    Its been a roller coaster of emotions since finding out, but I am staying positive. I know a few people here have made it to the other side, defeating cancer, and I am drawing on their stories for strength. I have a bit of a journey in front of me and being trapped in one's head is never fun.

    So,.. to help me get through this trial of fire, I decided to start a blog to help get my story, feelings, thoughts, etc...out of my head, before I start to lose it. If you want to follow me on this journey of mine and the experiences along the way, the address is http://fukcancer.blogspot.com/

    If the blog address offends you, sorry, I felt it aptly titled when I created the page. I wish I knew how to arrange the order of posts (from first dated post down, instead of burying the first post at the bottom, with the newest at the top...If anyone has ideas on if that is fixable, this is my first time blogging.

    I have a great support network of friends and wanted to bring you up to speed, because, well, I really love this forum and the people that are on it. Some of you know me personally, some only from a pm, but I consider all of you, my friends.

    The extra support will only help me keep my head above water and my eye on the finish line. There is one for me, thank God. I just have to be patient, and walk through hell in order to get to the end, and on with the rest of my life.

    With love and respect,
  2. sancx33

    sancx33 Addicted

    Get well bro, hopes you recover fast..........
    Not a good writer (my english not good).
  3. KaosHead

    KaosHead Addicted

    I don't know shit about cancer. I don't know shit about how to respond to this kind of crap. Basically, I don't know shit. But. You should educate yourself on every bit of it, like your life depended on it. And always get a second and third opinion.

    And fuck people who get offended, but only after you fucked cancer. In the ass.

    Be well. Ask for help, when you need it.
  4. michael

    michael Side Dealer

    man- just keep your head as high as you can. my brother just pulled through on some skin cancer shit- my dad has some battles with colon cancer and skin cancer as well, its not fun to deal with but cancer is something that can be dealt with. my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, and ill be reading your blog as well. i know internet anons arent a lot in the scope of things, but youve got some positive vibes heading your way from me!

    also- whereabouts do you live? i lived about an hour away from UVA when i went to college in richmond, and grew up mostly in southern virginia.
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Fuck cancer and the horse it rode in on.

    More and more we are all having to deal with a similar battle in a very personal way, and one is hard pressed to find a person that has not had it directly affect them or their families. What I can say is that, from someone in a somewhat medical/research field, there is no shortage of people working on this, and one should never lose hope for the future. Arrogant boast or not, if you look at what came out of the 'space race' it just shows how dedicated research funding can achieve leaps which before seemed impossible. Unfortunately resources are so often being diverted elsewhere [insert desired political target here], so I urge everyone to keep this in mind when thinking about the future direction and priorities they really care about.

    Stay well Tony, I wish you all the best. Even without a 'cure' there are many options you can seek out, and more coming every day.
  6. sensensempompom

    sensensempompom Comment King

    my thoughts are with you, all the best Tony.

  7. scarwars

    scarwars Addicted

    In the immortal words of the Buddha- "man, sometimes real life fucking sucks".
    I know you and your wife are doing the best you can with all of this, but don't forget that you can lean on your friends when you need us. Even if it's just to shoot the breeze about something that's not about treatment related. <3
  8. Materialist Zen

    Materialist Zen Toy Prince

    Dude, fuck cancer! Cancer is a straight motherfucker. If I ever saw cancer walking down the street I would go up to it and punch it in it's mother fucking FACE.

    Hang in there, they're getting this one figured out. You've got a better shot than you would have even a few years ago.
  9. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    my mother is a cancer survivor. staying positive is as important as the treatment itself. you have to believe.
  10. melek_taus

    melek_taus Mini Boss

    In highschool, my little sister survived cancer of her pituitary gland. After brain surgery to remove it there was not an exceptionally long recovery time. She has been doing very well since. So there is a ton of hope that you will beat this thing.

    Take heart, and think of it this way: Science and technology are on your side. You have a better chance in this than the cancer does. It is the cancer that should be afraid. Now go tear it up! :D
  11. cyberann

    cyberann Comment King

    I am sending you my positive vibes. We're all hoping for your recovery. Stay strong!
  12. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    You will beat this thing out. Maybe not effortlessly... but definitely swiftfully and without any doubt. Keep that as a thought to supersede all others, regardless of any obstacle that may come up along the way.

    Kick that thing's ass dude. Here's looking forward to your recovery!!
  13. lurker

    lurker S7 Royalty

    I am a C survivor!

    hang in there dude.
  14. Biff

    Biff S7 Royalty

    You will beat this. I doubt any of us are offended by your blog (given how offensive most of us are). If anything deserves a 'fuck you', it is cancer. Hope you have a speedy recovery - keep us posted.
  15. computerhair415

    computerhair415 Comment King

    Hay bro hang in there, my thoughts are with ya. Stay positive. Your mentality can make huge difference. If you ever need to talk dont hesitate to ask.`
  16. marswillrule

    marswillrule Line of Credit

    F the big C. Good luck dude.

    I remember reading in one of my grandma's enquirers 30 years or so ago about a kid who beat cancer by imagining the cancer was the death star and he was attacking it with x wings or something like that. Maybe you should give it a shot. I'd picture Jar Jar or George Lucas at this point though.

    And yes I know the enquirer is not a medical journal. ;)
  17. Katie

    Katie Toy Prince

    I had this made for a friend who has since beat 2 different kinds of cancer. She took it with her to her chemo appointments. You can beat it too!
  18. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    Thanks so much for the support everyone. I really appreciate the vibes and feedback I've received and will draw strength from it.

  19. Daimyo

    Daimyo Side Dealer

    So sorry to hear this but you're going to kick cancers ass! Fuck cancer is right, don't ever be apologetic about it. Make sure to use what you love for a bit of sanctuary when ever you can.
  20. slipstar01

    slipstar01 Post Pimp

    I lost my father to cancer, but a large part of the problem was a misdiagnosis, when he eventually found out, it was too late. That said, knowing is a big part of the battle, now that you know there's something wrong, you can fight it and win. Finding out you have cancer, is never good news, but stay confident in the fact, that with the wonders of modern medicine, your going to walk away from this a stronger person. Put on your game face, and get ready for battle, we're all on your side.
  21. sbbenhcs

    sbbenhcs Line of Credit

    i love this.
    a lot of people have already said it, and it is probably on of the sappiest things to have to hear, but a positive mental state
    really is the best advice there is. never let negativity get the better of you... the surest way to overcome is believing that you will.
  22. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    cancer SUCKS :!: I am also a survivor. Stay STRONG!
  23. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I personally haven't been through this but have had many family members go through the process and come out on top.
    That said Tony all you have to do is stay positive and determined to beat it and I have certainty you will overcome.
  24. T.J.

    T.J. Addicted

    Many of your fellow brainers have been there. You will kick it's ass.
  25. Mecha

    Mecha Side Dealer

    appreciate all of your support. it makes me feel good knowing im not alone in this..

    again, god bless everyone. you all are the best!


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