UFC 65

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by living dead, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    I don't get to see the fights live in Japan, but I get to see them for free a couple days later. So I'm not complaining.

    GSP is one SICK motherfucker!! He has the biggest HEART of anyone I've seen fight. He knew what he wanted (UFC title) and TOOK it!!!!!

    Just an incredible display!!!!!
  2. TokyoSamurai

    TokyoSamurai Fresh Meat

    that fight had me so amped that I took my shirt off and did like 60 pushups and then almost wept. I was really flipping out!

    not only is he incredible, and has a desire to succeed to the point where he should be followed around with a radio playing "Eye of the tiger"...but he is probably the humblest, kindest fighter in any fighting sport EVER. he literally is teh type of guy you hope your daughter marries.

    GSP, champ for a long time I hope!
  3. BryanBrutherford

    BryanBrutherford Fresh Meat

    The leg sweep was awesome, he totally clowned Hughes.

    Poor snowman though, when he finaly got the first takedown and mount i really thought he had a chance. But it just got sad after a while. Silvia made no effort to fight he was there strictly to not get beat, he had no intentions of trying to put away Monson.
  4. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    geezus, just watched GSP vs Hughes on YouTube....

    I thought Hughes was invincible, but all things come to an end...

    amazing ass whooping GSP laid out.

    of course, getting kicked in the balls twice doesn't help...
  5. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    This is just my opinion, but I don't think either shot hurt him. They both hit his intended spot (thigh) and moved up. Hughes has a cup on so WTF?
    I really think he knew he was in trouble from the get go so he was just looking for some kind of excuse when he finally lost.
    That being said he didn't say shit about it after the fight so who knows.
    GSP really looked PERFECT out there. I agree that leg sweep was CLASSIC!!
  6. creevox

    creevox Addicted

    I love youtube!!!!
    So far youtube has saved me $80 on the last two UFC payperviews!!!!!
  7. TokyoSamurai

    TokyoSamurai Fresh Meat

    that low blow didn't hit him in the groin. Hughes said in the press conference afterwards that it didnt effect him like THAT.

    I think maybe it was grazing him in the nuts, or tapped it and he was also playing it up abit. He didnt explain WHY he reacted like his balls exploded but then said they were not hit..... I dunno why....

    but in any case, GSP won that fairly squarly (as GSP is known to say)

    and as for TIm Sylvia.... that guy is NOT entertaining at all. He doesnt have enough skill to convince many people that it's not his height that gives him the advantage in his fights.
  8. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Can you link it !

    Missed it :(
  9. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    any links to the sylvia fight? i can't find any.
  11. ionz149

    ionz149 Toy Prince

    i couldn't either
  12. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast


    GSP is just infuckingcredable !!!!!

    This had to be to be one of the best fights I have seen in a long time. He definitly stepped his game up and it shows so much. GSP deserved every last bit of this win and if Matt Hughs wants it back hes gonna have to work for it, because this was no lucky win.

    Sweet fight !!!!
  13. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    You don't want to see that fight unless you can't sleep. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz doesn't even begin to cover it.
  14. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

    GSP whipped his ass all the way around, but Matt Hughes did't look right, tight,no explosiveness, didn't look at all confident.

    The getting kicked in the balls bit was to get him time, he looked gassed before the 1st round was halfway over, and to try to take the kick away with the possibility of disqualification.

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