Got my donation in, so thrilled about the matching grant! Almost at $5,000 now, get those donations going!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Whaaaaa? Wake up wake up wake up! MATCHING GRANT is still on and for a very important cause! Please consider donating, especially in memoriam to those we have lost. Your donation is now doubled if you can contribute, even the cost of a morning coffee, every little bit helps! Seems we are also short on toy donations this year. If you have a toy gathering dust, or one that keeps asking you to send him/her/it on a 99-year sleep over (my fav Horvathian expression! ) Please send a DM to James @TiredChildren . Let's save some lives (literally!), and remember..... MAKE YOUR DONATIONS NOW! FUND RAISER LINK! :
Did I mention this years $10K bonus prize? Donations must hit $10K to unlock this toy set! A special memoriam to our dearest Martin Harris, who left us last year. You are sadly and much missed Martin! A Vintage Toygraph Mu Racer AND a Butanohana T-Rex MIB dino! Beadies are not included (git yer own beeeeeeds! ) Let's goooooooooooooooo! FUND RAISER LINK! : .
!!!THE MATCHING GRANT IS ALMOST OVER!!! Please consider making a donation, no matter how large or how small. Yes folks, your donations are still doubled right now. Just got a message from James that the matching grant is coming to a close, so if you can, please dig in and contribute to a literally life-saving cause. Just to spice things up a bit, I sent a box of toys to James in the mail for the raffle. The photos haven't been posted on his IG page yet, but here's what's up for grabs.... Some Buta of course! Standard size Goro! Mini Sutegon! And other toys.... YES! It's a hand-painted Prancake, painted by Mr. Bwana Spoons himself! (huzza!!!) Monster Popsicle by 16 M Design Marusan Flying Booska Rampage Toys Pigmon (yep, that's a pink balloon in the back!) Science Patrol Namazu/Fish There are two sets of other toys which I didn't have time to photograph. James will post the photos when he gets the box. There MUST be something here that you'd like to win? Please, if you can, please make a contribution to a worthy cause! FUND RAISER LINK! :
Just a gentle reminder that the Suicide Prevention Fundraiser is still going on . Check out the new toy donations on James' Instagram I'm eyeing Bwana's fantastic Dave FUND RAISER LINK! :
After a brief pause, I'm back to posting about the fundraiser for another week or so!! To kick things off, PEEP THIS!!!! View this post on Instagram
Y’allllllll!!!! I ended up going through yesterday, and then stretched it one last day. So there’s now just a few hours left to get your donations in!! Graciously donated by our very own @Mark K, look at these BEAUTIFUL vintage Bullmark catalogs!!! View this post on Instagram
^^^ Woo-hoo so sweet, thank you for donating still more and such an amazing gift, @Mark K !! Come one Skullbrain, let's take advantage of the generous extension James has offered and push this fundraiser even further to its goal. Remember this is not about the toy raffle (though it is fantastic, thanks to the efforts of this community) but about reaching out and giving support to many people out there struggling whose lives we could help turn around through this amazing foundation. Please donate what you are able to, as every small amount is welcome.
Glad this got bumped up and was able to contribute before it closed - thank you as always James for organizing this.
Sorry for necrothreading, but that Headlock creature on the bay right now isn’t one of the ones donated, right?
The fundraiser is in September every year, and specifically around September 10th for Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day. I think James will start collecting toy donations in August.
It's that time of year again! Make sure to share on social media!
Just got my donation in today. My family lost a close family friend to suicide recently. It’s been incredibly difficult, and hard to put into words. He’s the fourth person I know who lost their life to suicide. Thanks for doing this each year, James. I hope we can all help a lot of people.
Just donated! All donations are still being matched, so you can double your support for a very worthy cause! Having a looksey through the toy bins tonight to see what can be donated for the raffle. Please consider donating a toy(s) for the raffle, for a lifesaving cause. Here is your chance to thin out the oddball toys in your collection, and pay it forward Donate here
Just found out that artist and teacher Chris Durante (@chrisdurante58 ) aka "the teacher across the hall," took his life this Sunday. I used to chat with him between classes, I was supposed to take his Drawing II class next semester. The art community within our college is hurting. Please, please talk to your friends and family to see if they're okay. It matters.