I don't care that this is still in the bag, this is not a rare toy. It's a reissue that they made hundreds of and priced at 6800 yen fifteen years ago. I still didn't win it with bids of 15,500 and 18,500. I'm glad that I built up most of my collection years ago, it is a futile effort to try and get things from Japan nowadays. I remember in 2019 I bought a white Ghostron reissue still in the bag for 2,000 yen. Fie on you, you dumb deep-pocketed YJA bidder who is probably going to just keep it in the bag. A pox upon your house.
The cumulative rate of inflation for usd is at 46% over the last 15 years. Meanwhile, just since 2019, the yen has absolutely tanked and is about 40% lower. Sure, some of these toys are overpriced but comparing them to 15 years ago doesn't make a lot of sense. Still annoying to see some of this stuff go for wonky prices. I agree on that
Reissues will go for dumb prices as new collectors jump into the game and want pieces to represent the OGs. Honestly I'm more annoyed at sofubi prices in general. Brand new stuff that are leagues lower in quality to your average reissue are priced to bankrupt people. Not to mention the aftermarket is an actual ring of hell.
Wow, it really has been almost 15 years since this came out- since Bullmark started making new reissues. My impression was always that the new Bullmark reissues were not made in the same quantities as the old B-Club reissues, and that the quality was a little higher. Maybe just my imagination.
Same for me with less common Bear Model and a lot of RxH, I was getting outbid on YJA so often I finally gave up. I'd rather not have the stress!
I think it’s all of the above. By all accounts, collecting sofubi is making a bit of a resurgence (hello to all of you Toy Princes out there). Collectors are going to want to catch up on what they’ve been missing. I would expect prices to be higher, especially for items not readily available.
I've only been collecting for a few years, so I may be off base, but one thing I think driving up prices on vintage is that people aren't getting rid of what they're collecting so the supply is drying up somewhat. I've been trying to put together the Astro-Mu 5 minis and even a few years on they're popping up way less than they were; and of course at higher prices too.
I understand, because I recently purchased a Nakayoshi figure and paid over 150. Before this I don’t think I ever paid over 80 or 90. But I was totally fine to pay it for the many reasons mentioned here. They almost never pop up. Still cheaper than most new releases, and better. Time has proven people don’t want to sell them and I enjoy them. the reality is I might not see any more pop up for another year or two, and when one does it might be listed at 300, and you know what, when that time comes I might be ok to pay that.
It seems like brand new releases have gone up slightly on MSRP to cover inflation (10%-20%) but the secondary market has basically doubled on everything. Is that the experience y’all are having?
for Sofubi, yes. But, some makers mysteriously stay reasonable. Plenty of what I love jumped up in price. I still find the odd bargain on ebay but that's also where I see the most ridiculous starting prices too. Currently there's a Nakajima Tiger Mask, admittedly rare first-version, buy it now for over £11,000. Its a Japan based seller, and whoever they are, they're taking the piss. I hope it sits there for years.
If you see a listing on eBay from Japan, the chances you can find that same listing for much less on JYA or Mercari are quite high.
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I contacted a friend at M1GO about the figure I linked to in my first post, and he clarified that this was not a mass-market-solicited figure from modern Bullmark, it was an event exclusive at a museum and there were a very small number made. So, maybe it warrants a higher price than other reissues. Still, prices are dumb. Here's the Ghostron reissue I mentioned going for 8,500. There are so many of these out there: